chapter 24

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san woke up the next day with wooyoung in his arms and the memories of last night flooded his head. the memories left a warm smile on his face.

he looked at wooyoung and placed a kiss on wooyoungs head before closing his eyes again and appreciating the warmth of the person beside him.

wooyoung woke up a little later and checked the time, 8:50 AM, the clock read. wooyoung was about to go back to sleep since it was still relatively early, until

'today is monday!' his eyes shot back open and he jumped out of bed and tried to get his things together, waking san up as well.

"san! san, wake up! fuck we're late come on!" san soon followed wooyoung and started running around the room trying to get dressed and find his notebook.

after they got their things together they sprinted out the door and took the stairs to get to the lecture hall faster

they finally made it to the lecture hall, they went in and paused for a bit trying to catch their breath and muttering out a "sorry for being late" in between breaths. the professor nodded and they went over to their places and started to take notes on the lesson.

after the class was over san and wooyoung found the others waiting outside the door giving them a look.

"it's not what you're thinking you perverts," wooyoung said as he pulled san with him and walked over to the cafeteria

the others soon followed them.

"what do you want?" san asked wooyoung

wooyoung looked over the menu and answered, "just a cola is fine,"

san nodded and ordered for both of them and they headed to the table where the rest were sitting.

they sat down and soon started a conversation with the others, after san had finished his food he excused himself along with wooyoung to go study in the library.

they got questionable looks from the others, "fuck off why are you guys so perverted, let's go san," wooyoung said as he took his half-empty can of cola and phone

san smiled and followed wooyoung

everyone was still eating so the library was quiet and mostly empty except for 3 girls that were sitting in the start of the row

they went and took their seats a little close to the end and wooyoung was on his phone while san went to get the books they needed

while san was away wooyoung received a call from an unknown number

???: hello? is this jung wooyoung?

wy: hi, yes, is there anything i can help you with?

???: yes this is the asan medical center, your brother, jung kyungmin, was admitted to the hospital an hour ago and he asked me to call you

wy: the hospital? what happened? is he okay?

???: he's okay he regained consciousness a couple of minutes ago

wy: i'll be there right there

wooyoung hung up and ran over to the door,

"wooyoung?" san asked as he saw him about to leave, "what's wrong? where are you going?"

"shit, san drive me to the asan medical center, quickly!" wooyoung said remembering that he left his car in the repair shop, he opened the door and rushed out.

san dropped the books and quickly went over to his dorm to get his car keys and ran as fast he could to get to his car where he found wooyoung pacing around the car with his eyes fixated on his phone

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