chapter 01

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love. a mere emotion that can cause pain, happiness, or both.

love wasn't a happy memory for wooyoung. all he had ever gained from falling in love was the pain that wouldn't leave him. any brief moment of happiness and love would eventually turn into a painful memory.

love for san was different. love in san's eyes was wooyoung, the boy that always sits in the back, no words spoken. no breath was heard. the existence of this boy made san go crazy. san had never been in love, never felt this much affection towards a person. he didn't understand what it was he was feeling, love? or a simple crush? either way, he didn't care, all he knew was when he was around wooyoung he felt happy.

wooyoung and san have been in the same college for 2 years, and in those 2 years san and wooyoung have never spoken to each other, it was always a one-sided conversation.

san would greet wooyoung every morning, walk him to his dorm, make sure he eats, and buy him americanos every day.

the only time wooyoung replied to san was when he asked him to stop following him everywhere and to leave him alone. san should've felt bad, hurt, sad, but all he felt was happiness. wooyoung spoke to him. whether it was wooyoung cursing at him, telling him off, or even yelling at him, san would smile so big it displayed his beautiful dimples. the dimples that he would only show wooyoung.

"morning woo!" san beamed with his usual 2 cups of iced americanos, "here!" he said handing wooyoung one of the cups which wooyoung accepted. wooyoung knows that if he were to decline the coffee san wouldn't give up until he took it.

"i was in the arcade yesterday with jongho and yeosang, other than me being the obvious third wheel, it was fun!" jumped san almost spilling his coffee, "how about we go to the arcade when we have the chance?" asked san, not expecting an actual response.

and that was precisely what happened. the same thing every day. the endless number of words san would say to wooyoung and the numbered words wooyoung would reply

they walked into class and sat in their seats while they waited for the professor to arrive.

wooyoung didn't speak in class either, when the professor asked him a question san would answer for him, even when wooyoung is asked to stay after class he doesn't say much other than "sorry" and "okay".

at one point everybody stopped trying to talk to him until a blonde-haired boy joined their class, san.

the mysterious black-haired boy at the end of the class caught his attention and san wanted to know more about him.

there were many rumors about wooyoung, most of the rumors about him were about him being abused, traumatized, and scary rumors that would make anyone stay away from him. san wasn't the type of person who believed anything unless he heard it from the person themselves. the rumors did nothing but interest san more.

"just who are you, jung wooyoung?" was what san thought before he decided to talk to him.

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