chapter 13

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san slid down the walls and sat down, the floor was definitely dirty but he couldn't leave wooyoung to sit on the cold, dirty floor alone.

he took out his phone and started typing assuming wooyoungs ears were ringing and could really make out the words that san was saying.

he slid the phone through the small gap at the bottom and waited. the note read 'take your time in there, i'll wait till you get out. if you feel uncomfortable we can go to my room or you can go to yours if you want to be alone'

while san waited, he was left alone with his thoughts. san didn't quite yet understand what he was feeling for wooyoung. was he a friend? did he like him? he didnt understand.

san's parents had been amazing parents that always tried their best to have san grow up to be a fine and kind gentleman, but they were not fond of the idea that his friends were gay. they had tried to convince san multiple times to not hang out with them. to get himself a girlfriend.

san loved his parents he didn't want them to look at him differently, he didn't want to become a disappointment to them.

san wasn't sure if he was actually gay or not, but the fact that he wouldnt answer 'no' if he was asked if he loved wooyoung in a romantic way, made accepting, rather than understanding, harder.

just then the door to the bathroom wooyoung was in had been unlocked, san quickly got on his feet.

as soon as the door opened, not even giving san enough time to look at wooyoung, wooyoung threw himself into sans arms and hugged him.

in wooyoung head he thought san was an angel sent as an apology for all the things he went through, he couldn't express how much he enjoyed san's company since he wasn't good with words but hoped that the hug conveyed all the emotions and feelings wooyoung was trying to say.

and if did.

it did just that and so much more.

as san felt wooyoungs warmth coming into contact with his body he had felt every emotion. happiness, sadness, love

it took san a while to let go of wooyoung, but eventually he did. he let go and took a close look at wooyoungs puffy face with a worried expression painted on his face.

sam pulled wooyoung by the arms to the sinks and turned on the water to wipe off wooyoungs face, "i'm sorry, i shouldn't have brought you here, we should've just told them we couldn't. i'm sorry," san apologized while drying off his face, when he noticed something on wooyoungs lips

a smile.

san moved his head back and clearly saw the beautiful smile on wooyoungs face, which made san smile as well.

"i've never seen you that... it's pretty," san said as his cheeks turned slightly red by the beautiful man in front of him.

wooyoung hugged san again, "thank you. thank you for staying,"

a/n: super short chapter, BUT! WOOSAN ARE GETTIMG FONDER????

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