chapter 18

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*ring ring ring*

sans alarm rang, which didn't do much since san had already woken up 6 hours ago, giving him barely an hour of sleep.

san stopped the alarm and went back to hugging his legs and staring at the floor,

"you don't have to do it"

"yeah he does!"

"some guy isn't worth it, we don't even know if he likes him or not!"

"shut the fuck up, he has to tell his parents one day even if wooyoung doesn't like him that doesn't mean he won't ever fall in love again"

the voices in sans head have been fighting, just like that, for the last 6 hours

it was 10:00 am and san was too busy overthinking to see that his roommate had woken up until he felt the mattress sink.

san turned his head impulsively still lost in his thoughts

"san?" hongjoong said as he closed one of his eyes to avoid the sun hitting him

"san..?" hongjoong waved his hand in front of san until he finally got out of his thoughts

"hm?" san merely responded

"hm? san it's 10 on a saturday, how long have you been up? don't you have to leave at 12?"

"i don't know...i think i woke up 4 or something," san answered nonchalantly

"4! san it's 10! and you slept at 3:30 yesterday! go get some sleep san this isn't good for you!"

san didn't really have anything to say so he just stayed quiet

hongjoong tried multiple times to convince him to go back to bed but eventually just figured san wasn't going to sleep anytime soon so he got up and made both of them breakfast,

after san ate, barely, hongjoong helped him get dressed since san was still too nervous and out of it to think properly,

"san, come on you need to go," hongjoong called san from the door, informing him he should get going

san shook his head to try and gather his thoughts and took his keys giving hongjoong a worried look to which hongjoong have him a warm smile that told him things are gonna go well

san nodded and headed toward his car

san followed the gps toward the park, seonghwa had picked for him

when san got to the park, with flowers at hand and a basket filled with various pastries and desserts, he started preparing the area

it was currently 1pm and san has been here for half an hour trying to find a perfect spot away from anyone nearby.

san anxiously waited as the clock ticked.

it hit 1:27 and he heard his mom call him from behind,

"san-ah!" she said happily as she rushed to hug her son, followed by his father who was smiling.

"how are you?" asked his dad as they sat down

"good! how about you guys?" san said trying to sound as natural as possible to not draw any suspicion

"good, good," his father replied

san started taking out the food he had prepared, almost forgetting about the flowers he had bought.

san stopped taking out the remaining food and went back to the flower, he handed it to his mother, giving her a fond smile before going back to take out the rest of the food.

after he finished and they started eating, they started to talk a bit, san delaying the inevitable.

15 minutes later, his parents were drinking water and he was preparing himself to tell his parents.

"mom, dad..." san said, looking down, not being able to face them.

"yes son?" his mom asked curiously

they noticed the worried expression on sans face, "is something wrong?"

his mom let out a little laugh before continuing, "you seem to be acting the same way your sister did when she came out, but seriously what's the matter? is college not going well?" his mom said excluding the possibility of san ever being gay making it 10x harder to tell them

san stayed quiet for a bit to try and gather his words, he let out a long breath before looking up and into both their eyes

"i just want you guys to know that whatever happens i'll always be your son... i hope you think so as well," san explained before he actually told them

he got a lot of confused looks from both his parents.

"i...i think- no i'm sure! i'm... i'm gay." san said looking down again

and the same silence that occurred when his sister came out was here again

the suffocatingly unbearable silence that was so loud san wanted to leave

"n-no your not! don't do this to me san! i've already lost my daughter i can't lose my son too!" his mom begged

"mom, you're not losing me! just cause i'm gay doesn't make me less of your son! you can't keep saying you lost haeun when you guys were the ones that left her!" san blurted out

"san! show some respect to your mother don't talk to her like that!" his father yelled

san was about to say something but he didn't, instead, his mom's voice was heard,

"a-are you dating anyone?"

no," he replied

his mom let out a sigh of relief that had come too soon

"but, i do like someone, a guy."

the sign turned into a choked sob, "what have i done wrong! why are all my children like this! san! come on! is some boy you're not even dating worth tearing our family apart!" she said in between sobs

"your mother is right! he's just a stupid good-for-nothing boy that just wants to see us suffer! don't listen to him and whatever he has told you, we don't want to lose you son, it's for your own good," his dad, who had been quiet for too long, said

"for the millionth time! you're not losing me! you just don't want a son who isn't perfect! i'm still your son even if i'm gay, if you can't accept that then it's on you. and don't call him stupid or good for nothing! he is an amazing person who doesn't deserve anything other than love and pure happiness! i fucked up my chances with him cause of you! but i'm not going to give up because i love him. i love him so much it's u bearable, he makes me feel love like i've never felt love before, he makes my heart skip beats by doing the simplest things, he has this beautiful smile that he hides and i've deprived myself from it. i love him. i love wooyoung." san blurted out not realizing it was his first time saying out loud that he loved wooyoung

san took in breathes from talking for too long when he felt someone hug him from behind,

san turned seeing the last person he'd expect here,


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