chapter 26

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it took san and kyungmin a while to find the vending machine, when they finally found it san had realized he had forgotten his phone and wallet

he internally cursed at himself for forgetting, he looked at kyungmin as he looked at all the different snacks there were, 'he must have gotten tired of the hospital food,' san thought

san looked around a found a small play area filled with some kids and nurses watching them,

"hey kyungmin, you see that?" san said pointing at the play area. kyungmin nodded

"go play there for a bit while i go get my wallet, okay?"

"okay!" kyungmin happily agreed. he ran towards the area and headed straight to the empty swing and started to kick his legs forwards and tuck them in to swing himself.

san smiled and hurried back to the kyungmin hospital room, he did get lost but he eventually got there.

he placed his ear on the door, checking if they were in the middle of talking.

he opened the door enough that he could at least see if they were busy. to his relief, they were asleep on the couch

san let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and cautiously went in and closed the door behind him, he scanned the room for his wallet until he saw them on the table, he quietly walked over to the table trying not to make any noise that may wake up either of them, he finally got the wallet and also noticed 2 phones on the couch beside where wooyoung and his mother were asleep.

he cautiously moved closer to the couch and picked up one of the phones trying to flip it to see the cover to know whether this was his phone or not, just before he could check, wooyoung moved.

san quickly stuffed the phone in his pocket and exited the room as quietly as possible

he let out all the air he was holding and headed back to kyungmin

after he got to where he had left kyungmin, he picked him up from the play area and went over to the vending machine

"what do you want?" san asked kyungmin

"snickers and cheetos!" he exclaimed

san laughing and pressed in the numbers of the snacks that kyungmin wanted

after kyungmin went to a nearby table to eat his food, san was thinking on what to get. eventually, he ended up getting cola as well as some shrimp chips

as he picked up his food, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, except, it wasn't his phone.

he looked at the unfamiliar lock screen and realized that he had wooyoungs phone, he ignored it and just went to sit beside kyungmin putting the phone on the table, face down.

kyungmin soon went back to playing while san watched over him as he finished his chips

sometime later wooyoungs phone started blowing up. san wasn't really the type of person to snoop through anyone's phone, he picked up the phone and was going to put the phone on silent when his eyes unintentionally read one of the messages,

"have you broken up with him yet?" the message read

san felt his heart stop, surely they were talking about wooyoung breaking up with him right?

he tried to ignore it. he tried to make himself think that it wasn't about him. he tried to forget- no, he wanted to forget.

because deep down san knew, that text was about him.

san was busy overthinking to realize wooyoung creeping up from behind him, he tried to scare san.

the scare helped bring san out of his thoughts.

even after reading the message, seeing wooyoungs face always brought a smile to his face, "hi," he smiled as wooyoung placed a peck on his lips

"hi," wooyoung smiled

they stated at each other for some time until wooyoung took a seat beside san, noticing his phone on the table,

as much as he tried to hide it, the panic was very clear in his eyes

"w-what's my phone doing here?" wooyoung said trying to sound natural

"...i accidentally picked it up, i thought it was mine,"

wooyoung quickly pressed his phone screen and saw the numberless texts from the unknown number, he looked back up at san, scared.

san pretended he didn't know, mostly cause he didn't want to know, a sign of relief left wooyoung as he flipped back his phone and placed it back on the table.

"the doctor says kyungmin can get discharged tomorrow morning," wooyoung said

"that's great," san replied

there was obviously a lot of tension between them and neither of them liked it, "i'm gonna go to the bathroom, keep an eye on kyungmin for me," san excused himself

wooyoung nodded as san faded into the crowd

when he could no longer see san, he felt his phone vibrate,

9:37 PM

a mother and their child hugging

a feeling you robbed me of

you have it all don't you?

the love of a mother

the love of a brother

the love of a lover

yujin couldn't live long enough to
experience half of those

have you broken up with him yet?

wooyoung stared at the texts, he already knew that whoever was texting him was related to yujin, but after these texts, he was certain about who was sending him these threats.

mrs. han.

he put down his phone again as he tried to collect himself, his nose was red and tears were welling up in his eyes.

san left the bathroom and was going to get his wallet from the table wooyoung was sitting on when he saw him there. he looked sad, he looked like he would burst out crying if any minor inconvenience happened.

he was about to go and comfort wooyoung when a nurse stopped him,

"sir, i'm sorry but we need to bring kyungmin back to his room, come pick him up tomorrow when he's discharged," san nodded

when he looked back at wooyoung and found him talking to the same nurse, assumingly about the same thing she talked to him about.

wooyoung got up shortly after and went to the play area to get kyungmin

while the table was vacant, san picked up his wallet and went over to the parking lot, they had come here together so san waited for wooyoung so they could leave

a couple of minutes later san noticed the silhouette of wooyoung coming towards the car so he unlocked the car and went in to start the engine,

wooyoung got in and san started to drive out of the parking lot and toward the university

the drive there was painfully quiet, there was only a single sentence that was said.

"san, let's talk when we get me on the roof,"

san hoped- begged- that they weren't going to talk about what he thought they're gonna talk about

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