"I haven't checked on Seonghwa hyung today..."

"He didn't call or text yet, right?"

"I haven't heard from him since he left yesterday."

"Then things are going well for him."

San laughed a little. "How do you know?"

"It's obvious...he got lost in love again."

San finished wrapping a bouquet and added a card to it before handing it to the guy who came to pick it up "Let's close early."

Wooyoung perked up. "Really?"

"Yeah, I'm hungry." San lied, he was excited to start their date too and didn't want to keep the other waiting any longer.

They quickly closed the store and headed to the car. "Do you wanna stop at home or go straight to dinner?"

Wooyoung shifted in his seat. "It's up to you."

"Alright." San started the engine and drove to a nice simple restaurant he liked.

As soon as they existed the car, San held Wooyoung's hand. "Let's go."

Wooyoung smiled. "I like the music here...it's romantic."

"A table outside for two please." San asked the waitress.

They sat down, both automatically smiling. San at Wooyoung and the latter just to himself.

"How are you feeling?" San asked out of nowhere.

Wooyoung smiled, taking a moment to answer. "I feel...better than ever...really good..."

"You have no idea how much you've lightened up my world..."

"Me?" Wooyoung tilted his head.

"Who else? You're the only reason I started feeling again...and...if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have tried therapy."

Wooyoung gulped. "I thought you only needed therapy because of me."

"No, definitely not...I needed it long ago but I refused to accept that...I thought it would be like forcing myself to forget him...which was a sin to me at that time." He took a sip of his water. "Now I realized I'm never forgetting him...I'm just moving on to live my life...exactly how he wanted me to."

"Do you think you're ready?"

"I wouldn't have asked you out today otherwise...I'm not going to fool you or myself anymore...I wasn't ready, I was suppressing strong negative feelings and it progressed into something really bad."

Wooyoung smiled. "Thank you for being honest with me now..."

The two ordered their food and started eating while enjoying the music together.

They had small but meaningful conversations that let them know more about each other's feelings.

"Is there anything you would like to do or try?"

Wooyoung hummed. "I don't have much experience in life in general...as you know...I have no memory of my life before, so it's hard for me to tell what I have and have not tried."

San nodded. "Then we can start new adventures together...that if...you'd give me the honor of going on more dates with me."

Wooyoung smiled sheepishly. "Of course...I enjoyed this one a lot."

After their dinner, San offered taking a walk together and Wooyoung was more than happy to agree.

They held hands and walked slowly to nowhere in particular.

"I would have never imagined walking hand in hand with someone after going on a date and actually being treated like a normal human..."

"One thing you need to always know is that life changes in a matter of seconds...one moment you're abandoned and alone, the next you're someone's whole world, one moment you're homeless, the next you're a millionaire...one second you're with the person you love most and think you'll spend the rest of your life with them...the next they're gone..." San's voice trailed off at the last part.

"That's...really deep."

San nodded. "Yeah...learned it the hard way." He looked down at his feet as they walked.

"Can you describe the place to me?" Wooyoung suddenly asked to distract the other after hearing his tone change.

San smiled, looking up and around him. "It's not a busy road, the lights are really bright and nice, the river is on our right, stores on our left across the road...that's a really good candy store over there, you wanna go?"


San gripped Wooyoung's hand and crossed the street, running to the other side, the other laughing loudly and he was dragged along "hold on!".

It was a familiar laugh, but San dismissed it.

"Do you like chocolate?"

"I don't know?"

"Come on, let's get a mix of everything."

Wooyoung smiled. "Who's gonna eat all of it?"

"We will!"

San walked around the store picking a little bit of everything and eventually stopping at the cotton candy machine. "And one of this."

San took the cotton candy on the stick from the worker and handed it to Wooyoung. "Try this."

"What's this?" He carefully touched it, confused at the texture.

San grabbed a chunk and fed it to Wooyoung, watching his face change.

"it melted!" Wooyoung went for another bite. "I think I've had it before..."


"Yeah it tastes familiar...oh! It's pink cloud candy!"

San's smile fell. "Wh-what..?"

A/N: yes yes I know

Also check out this cover @K_Fandom_Queen made for this story! Contact them for cool book covers.

Also check out this cover @K_Fandom_Queen made for this story! Contact them for cool book covers

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