Mr devil

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Jimin don't know where he was but he's damn sure that this is not his room, it's sure a different scent.

More manly, musky, dominate type smell.

And his perfume is much girly just like him.

" What the hell". He murmure when he saw a big room, mostly black and red combination.

Soon he remembered everything.


" Why did he do that?". Jimin asked himself.

" Ohh look at that my queen is already up". He got startled but soon he sighed.

This idiot handsome fool.

" Send me to my appa". Jimin demanded.

And he really miss a little girl peeking at him smiling.

" Ahh still angry? Come on beauty I was just helping you out, and don't be stubborn now here look at this, this little one here is my Princess from now on yours too". JK said holding the little girl in his hands.

" Well I don't remember being pregnant with your baby Mr whatever you are, and I don't even like kids, they're annoying". Jimin said looking at his nails.

Who is this man. Princess?  I myself is a princess you idiots.

The devil really don't like what did his queen said, he wanted to do something but since his baby is here he remained calm.

" Well you will get pregnant soon so leave that, but this is my daughter, so dint be mean. I have a important meeting so I have to go, look after my kid". The devil said a little cold.

Jimin scoffed.

Cocky bastard.

Saying this the devil went out.

Nope, it was not a meeting it's just a little test for his queen. He wanted to know that if Jimin will act cold to his daughter so he plant a hidden camera in his room.

" What are they upto?". JK asked to Taehyung.

" They're just glaring at each other, not a single word". Tae sighed.

But this is somewhat exciting.

( In room).

" Appa said you should treat me like princess". The little girl said placing her hand at waist.

" So what?". Jimin asked imitating the little girl.

" Are you really my Eomma ?". The kid asked making Jimin open his mouth wide.

" Well you don't look like one, what are you even wearing, Ewww so Ewww where does my appa got you? ".

Jimin glared at the kid, but the girl started to laugh making Jimin pout

" Wae wae why are you laughing you little kid?". Jimin is really becoming irritated.

" You look like a chick". Bora said laughing harder.

" I can't believe this, just like that devil I see". Jimin mumbled walking through the door to see if there's any more convenient dress.

" Why are you snooping around, it's appa's room". Bora said not liking it at all.

" Well you Miss said I look like a cheap bi- hmm present so let me change it".

" Ahh finally". Jimin cheered when he saw the closet.

Well this shit is getting on his nerves .

Black plain cloths

Ewww disgusting.

" Don't you guys have some more colours". Jimin asked the girl who followed him behind.

The little girl shrugged.

" Ahh this is unbelievable".

He took a plain black shirt, and shorts??? Well it's too loose.

" Close your eyes". Jimin said tapping the girls head.

The girl did what he did.

Jimin weared the shirt and tied a long white scarf on his waist making it look like more pleasent.

Well it's good for now, since the girl said he's practically naked.

" Now look". He said and Bora looked back her mouth wide open.

" How did you do that?". The girl asked excited.

"Well I just know something's ". Jimin give an high five.

Well it's not that bad.

" Do I really have to call you mom?".

" Why I'm not your mom". Jimin said like a matter of fact.

But we'll yeah he regretted.

The kid started to cry and he don't like it.

He know he it feel when a kid grow up without mom.

He himself don't have mom.

So he crouched down taking the girl in his laps.

" Hey don't cry .....I'm just sour you know, your devil daddy practically kidnapped me from my house, and me too don't have a mommy, I only had a dad and he was so rude.....I'm sure your appa is just like that". Jimin said making the girl chuckle.

" Appa is okay, he try to make me happy, I really want a mom, can I really call you mom?". The girl asked looking at him with puppy eyes.

No....not the puppy eyessssss.

The thing is that Jimin had a weak shitty heart to cute things.

" Hmm... Well okay you can". He just smiled little.

Well it's not like he will live here for lifelong.

He's going to our from this place soon.

Mark my words you Mr big devil.

The Devil ( Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now