Chapter 5: Makings of A Hero

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Chapter 5: Makings of A Hero

Ben jumped in surprise as Genos appeared around the corner, "Argh, how'd you get in here?!"

"You left your door unlocked, so I decided to come in and cook for you." He stated, Ben sighed in annoyance as he took his shoes off and walked into his living room/bedroom, "Hey master."

"I told you it's Ben, stop calling me that!" He shrieked, lBut what?"

"I got a letter from the Hero Association." He stated, Ben dropped his book and looked at the Cyborg.

"You what?!"

"It appears I've been invited to join them as a professional hero. What do you think I should do? Join them or decline them?" He asked wanting to know what the sixteen year old thought.

Ben thought hard about this, 'Pros: Genos could be something of a spy, finding out more information about what's really happening that the Association hasn't released yet. Cons: He'd have to join the Association.'


"Sorry, I was thinking if you joining the Association could benefit us." Ben replied, "If you do join the Association, you could be called to important life altering meetings, and then revealing it to me, so whenever it happens we'll be ready."

"Alright, I'll join them, but master if I join them I have a request for you." Genos stated which made Ben confused.


"It's decided. Mumen Rider will remain the top-ranked Class-C Hero."

"Understood. I will inform him of our decision."

"It's baffling, I don't know why he has no desire to move up to Class B."

"Who knows, anyway the next item on our list is the 55th Hero Certification Exam and the circumstances surrounding it. Currently, the total number of candidates is-" He began when a women spoke up.

"Over 11,000. With the exam offered at six different venues. That's an increase of more than 22% over the previous exam." She explained the men gasped shocked that they had so man potential candidates.

"We mustn't be happy with simple quantity." Ren stated, "Even with more candidates, if the quality of the heroes is reduced, then the numbers are meaningless."

"I hate to say it, but Ren is right." Yamato stated as everyone went wide eyed at his statement no one usually agrees with Ren because he's a crazy old man,
"We have to be even more critical during evaluation. Also it seems we'll have a very interesting candidate this year, correct?"

"Yes sir, it hasn't been confirmed yet, but I'm confident that his participation will indeed occur." He answered looking at Genos's file.

In City Z, Ben had agreed to Genos request, so now the duo were on there way to were the Hero Association had prepared the exam. Ben wore a black T-shirt, black jeans, tennis shoes, and his familiar green leather jacket, with a pair of black and green hourglass headphones around his neck. Genos wore a white collared shirt with the collars up, dark blue pants, and brown boots.

Ben groaned as he walked the streets of City Z, "This is so boring and lame. Why do I need to go with you?"

"Because it might be important. Also in case anything happens you'll be 'right where the action is.'" Genos chuckled as he quoted Ben.

"Hey don't start stealing my quotes." He yelled as Genos laughed a little more while Ben stuffed his hands into his pockets, "Genos?"

"Yes Master?"

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