Ginny mumbled as Aliana put in some makeup, "Hey Lia is it okay if I meet you later?"

Aliana peaked her head out the door, "merlin, Of course! see you in a bit!"

Ginny blew her a kiss, "You look gorgeous by the way."

Aliana smiled, "Go have fun."

Ginny waved and left as Aliana finished up getting ready.

Aliana then headed to the party. The common room had been empty, which meant a lot of people were at this party.

Aliana walked down the dark halls. The same dark halls as the Joey encounter.

She didn't want to think about him it made her ill even hearing his name.

Aliana could hear the mumbled music and the lights from behind the door.
She opened the door and slid in.

It was so packed. Bodies were almost on top of each other.

Aliana muttered, "Oh shit."
She slipped through people as she headed for the drink table. She wasn't going to be out of control tonight but she wanted something to distract her for a little.

She finally reached the drinks. She poured herself whatever was on the table and looked around. Finally she spotted a red head in the back of the room.


Aliana made her way over.

Ron smiled as he saw her, "Hey Lia, how are you?"

She had forgotten she had literally ghosted Hermione, Him, and Harry for a little, they all needed time to recover.

She took a sip from her drink and smiled, "A lot better. You?"

Ron smiled showing his bright white teeth, "That's great, and yeah i'm doing well. I've been distracting Harry a bit."

Even hearing Harry's name made her get butterflies. Aliana sighed, "is he doing okay? I thought he needed some time to recover from all of this."

Ron comforted Aliana, "Oh yeah of course, and well, he's been very angry but he used that anger practicing quidditch which is quite nice."

Aliana smiled, " has he gotten any good?"

Ron nodded, "Oh yeah, he's like a rock, can't get passed him."
Hermione then appeared behind Ron.

Hermione said softly, "Hey guys!"

Seeing Hermione made Aliana want to cry, she missed her soft elegant voice and her smart little come backs, "Mione! How are you? I've missed you terribly."

Hermione said as the flashing lights reflected off her beaming eyes, "I've been good, keeping up with final studies. Oh you have no idea how much i missed you, you look a lot better."

Aliana hugged Hermione tightly. Ron screaming over the music, "You guys want to go over to the couch? It's getting crowded over here?"

The girls nodded as they followed him to the couch. Fred, George, Luna, Ginny, Blaise, and Neville were all on the couch.

Luna cheered, " oh lia! you look brighter!"
Aliana laughed, "I feel brighter thank you Luna!"

Ginny blushed as the two held hands secretly, Aliana could see slightly.

They all chatted for a while, the party wasn't dying down as the night went on, people were excited for the summer to start.

Aliana looked around, she'd hope to run into Harry.

Aliana looked over to Ron, "Is Harry coming?"
Ron shrugged, "I think he was in his dorm."

Aliana nodded.

A few minutes passed. She was getting antsy. She finally had the guts to get up, "I'll be back. I'm gonna grab another drink."

Aliana reached the drink table. Their had been fireballs lined up. She knew she wouldn't be able to go up to Harry, she had been terribly anxious, she felt terrible for ghosting him.

She decided to grab a fireball and downed it.
It went down easily, not even flinching her. She threw out the empty bottle and headed out the door. She walked back into their common room.

She looked up the boys dorm side. She took step by step only hearing her breath.

She finished the staircase and headed down the hallway of the boy's dorm rooms.

She finally reached Harry and Ron's dorm.

She stood at their door staring at the golden knob. Fuck why am I so nervous to open my own boyfriends door?

I should've just sucked it up and talked to him.
Why didn't I talk to him?!
Am I fucking crazy?
I just left him all alone to suffer.

Aliana slapped her head and knocked lightly on his door...

uh awk.. i've haven't updated since September.. I apologize and will try to update sooner:) hope everyone is well

through it all  |h.j.p|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz