XXV- more than friends

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Today was the day before they all went to hogwarts

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Today was the day before they all went to hogwarts.
Aliana was beyond excited, she loved hogwarts but she knew it was going to be different now.

The whole day everyone spent packing and running around. The twins unfortunately weren't going to attend Hogwarts this year which Aliana thought it be so different without them.

Aliana, Ginny, and Hermione all neatly folded their clothes into their trunks. Aliana had new clothes she got over the summer and some gold jewelry which she was obsessed with.

As the day ended they all finished packing collapsing on their beds in exhaustion. Before dinner Aliana decided to shower.

It was going to be a late dinner seeming how everyone was so busy packing. Aliana grabbed a gray spaghetti tank top and black shorts as she headed for Ginnys bathroom.

She used her special shampoo and conditioner which smelt as if lavender and vanilla were mixed into it. She washed her face and shaved.

As she stepped out she dried herself off and dressed herself. She brushed her straight brunette hair which fell down to her shoulders still dripping wet.

She stepped out of the bathroom as Ginny pushed past her closing the bathroom door and turning the shower on, "Finally!"

Aliana laughed as she waited on her bed for Ginny and Hermione to finish getting ready.

Finally, the girls headed down for dinner. Harry looked very nervous as she sat down next to him.

She watched as he gulped hardly, "You alright?"
Harry nodded quickly, "Yeah yeah!"

They continued dinner. Aliana could see harry's leg shaking. She tried eating her meal but all she could hear was harry's tapping leg. She put her hand on her knee to calm him down.

Harry smiled as his leg stopped tapping. She finally continued her dinner.


Aliana was about to go to bed, it was the night before they left for school. Aliana saw Harry looking out the window on the staircase, "hey."

Harry jumped, "oh hey!" Aliana smiled as she stood next to him looking out the window.

She said looking into his emerald eyes, "harry what's wrong? you were losing your shit at dinner."

Harry gulped while he rubbed his neck, "Oh uh- er..."

Aliana rolled her eyes as got closer to the boy, "Harry, you can talk to me."

Harry sighed as she grabbed his hands and intertwined them together. Harry, "Aliana... i need to talk to you."

Alianas heart dropped, "yeah.. sure."

Harry sighed as he looked into her worried eyes, "I want to be more than friends."

Aliana was a bit shocked. She wasn't shocked that he wanted her to be his girlfriend she was expecting something serious.

Harry stuttered, "It's okay if you don't.. we don't have to! i just thought- you don't want to?"

Aliana cupped his face, "Harry of course, i want to be your girlfriend."

Harry smiled as he leaned in and kissed her passionately. She leaned it and kissed him back. Their lips moved in sync getting more and more passionate.

Their tongues fought for dominance in each other's. He hand was in the back of his neck rubbing it with her thumb as his hands moved up and down her curves.

Harry said in between kisses, "You're a good kisser Lupin."

Aliana smirked as she sucked his lips, "Obviously."

She felt him smirk as they continued to make out. She was pinned to the wall as he hovered over her. He was so much taller than he so he had to look down kissing her but he didn't care.

He wanted her.

They two continued kissing until Remus came out and nearly dropped his mug, "Oh um... i was just gonna grab.. some.. tea."

He quickly ran out down the stairs into the kitchen. Aliana laughed still leaving her hand on his neck, "Shit.. was that my dad?"

Harry said looking up and down at her lips and eyes, "I don't know.."

Aliana shrugged as she Dove in for his lips, they both breathed heavily as she bit his bottom lip.

They heard Remus drop his glass shattering on the floor.

Aliana grabbed his hands as they ran upstairs into Ron's room.

Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were sitting around the table. Ron muttered rubbing his eyes, "What the hell mate?"

Aliana laughed, "Oh nothing."

Ginny yawned, "I'm so excited to go back to school, i'm so excited to see Luna."

Ron raised his eyebrow, "Luna?"

Ginny gulped, "She's one of my good friends haha."

Ron nodded confusedly, "Right."

Aliana said sitting down, "Guys we have to attend a party this year. like honestly i'm ready."

Harry nodded, "I'm sure there's going to be a lot of quidditch parties."

Aliana smirked as she gave him a look, "Good. Ron do you remember when we went to Fred and George's shop?"

Ron twitched his eyes, "Uh yeah?"

Aliana laughed, "I saw a girl checking you out."

Hermiones face frowned. Ron's eyes lit, "What who?!"Aliana said sternly, "Lavender Brown. She's a very nice girl.. sometimes."

Hermione muttered, "yeah she's so nice."

Aliana shrugged, "heard she's a little crazy though."

Aliana checked the time it was 12:30, "Godric, im going to bed we have to be up early. I'll see you all in the morning."

Ginny and Hermione followed as the three girls left.
Aliana smiled at Harry as she walked out of the room.

She wasn't going to tell Hermione and Ginny right then, she was going to wait until the morning she didn't want to start a feud.

They all went to bed eager for tomorrow.


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