XXVI- payback

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    They arrived bright and early at Hogwarts Express

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They arrived bright and early at Hogwarts Express.

Aliana was so excited, she could already smell the butterbeer and lollies.

They put their trunks and animals in the back and found the nearest booth to sit in, they usually packed up real quickly.

Aliana took a seat next to Harry as their hands were closely intertwined together.

Hermione looked up annoyingly, "Am i missing something?"

Alianas face turned red.

She noticed Harry's did too.

Ron leaned forward noticing their awkwardness, "Oi? What is going on you guys turned red.."

Hermione interrupted, "You're both redder than Ron's hair! Merlin, what's going on guys tell us!"

Harry cleared his throat, "She's my girlfriend."

Aliana's eyes widened, "He went straight to the point."

Hermione gasped and cheered.

Ron nearly choked on his candy, "REALLY?!"

Aliana nodded as she blushed staring up into Harry eyes.

Those green eyes.

His green eyes.

She could stare into his eyes for hours and tell what kind of person he was or what he was feeling.

they were like a mirror. they could show his emotions, like when he was mad they would grow dark and deep. when he was mysterious they would flicker and show somewhat of a smirk in them. She loved them.

The four sat and did there own things. Alianas head was on Harry's shoulder resting.

Harry said whispering into her ear, "I'm sorry love, i'll be right back okay?"

Aliana nodded as she raised her head and let him go.

Harry kissed her temple as he hid his invisibility cloak under his jacket and walked out of the booth.

Ron said rolling his eyes, "He's up to something."

Hermione looked up from the paper, "He's probably using the loo or getting something ronald."

Ron groaned as he sighed back into his seat and focused on the candy he was munching on.

Aliana watched as the train went over the bridge she always remembered.


Harry stood outside the door. He was watching Draco and his friends. He watched as Draco got up to his bag.

Harry looked into his hand.

He was thinking of using Peruvian Instant darkness powder.

Harry thought about it but suddenly he through it in causing that whole part of the train to fill up with black smoke.

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