XLI-truth or dare

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They were finally back at Hogwarts

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They were finally back at Hogwarts.

Aliana and Harry tried to keep up next to Hermione as she scrambled around reading the prophet.

Hermione shouted at Harry, "It is so easy for them to get to you. You're bloody lucky you weren't killed. You have to realize who you are harry."

Harry snapped back as he held on to Aliana's hand, "I know who i am hermione, alright?!"

Hermione and Aliana glared at each other as they noticed Harry's attitude.

Harry looked back and forth at the two girls, and muttered, "sorry."

As the three walked they saw Lavender and Ron. Lavender squealed as she clung onto Ron's arm.

Hermione said pale as a ghost, "Excuse me I have to go vomit."

Hermione stormed off.

Ron hasn't been hanging out with them lately, ever since he got a girlfriend.

Aliana said looking at the couple grossly, "God, i thought we might've been annoying but that's- that's a whole other level.."

Harry laughed, "Ron's a dick, he's been leading on mione but then finds a girl to screw around with and forgets all about us."

Aliana said as her eyes met his, "tell me about it."

They walked in the hallway until Ginny grabbed Aliana's arm causing the couple to stop.

Ginny awed, "Awe look at you two, anyways did you hear there's going to be a party tonight?"

Aliana said as the continued to walk, "Oh I don't know-"

Ginny scoffed, "You better go, you literally never let loose Lia.."

Aliana looked at Harry. Harry shrugged, "I'll go if you go."
Aliana sighed, "I'll go."


Ginny ran off as she saw Luna. Aliana muttered to Harry, "Sometimes I think she acts more and more like Fred and George."

Harry nodded dramatically as they walked to their next class.


Hermione growled, "I can't believe you're dragging me to this. I could be studying right now."

Aliana said as she finished her last curl in her hair, "If i'm going your going."

Aliana wore a tight black dress that Ginny picked out.

Aliana went to the mirror, "Is it supposed to be this short? you can nearly see my ass-"

Ginny winked, "that's the whole point."

Ginny wore a strapless royal blue dress and her hair fell naturally on her shoulders.

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