XXXI- cursed

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Winter and the holidays were approaching rapidly

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Winter and the holidays were approaching rapidly.

Aliana and Harry had been inseparable. They got along incredibly well. Even Ron and Hermione got along.

It was a snowy Saturday afternoon. The golden trio and Aliana all decided to hangout at Hogsmeade.

They all walked through the crunchy snow
cuddled up in their jackets headed towards the three broom sticks.

They stepped into the place. It gave a cozy vibe to Aliana especially with the smell of butterbeer as well.

Harry found a table and held out a chair for Aliana to sit in. Aliana smiled, "Thank you."

Harry smiled as Ron and Hermione sat across from them.

Hermione ordered, "Four butter beers please."

Aliana notice Harry glaring at something.


Aliana grabbed his hand underneath the table comforting him. He smiled at the girl.

Aliana and Hermione turned to see Dean and Ginny flirting.

Aliana laughed, "Awe look at my girl flirting!"

Hermione laughed, "no way! she's totally killing it!"

Aliana nearly spat out her butterbeer,  "My baby is growing up."

Aliana and Hermione laughed as Ron and Harry sat unfazed.

Ron groaned, "ugh, Bloody hell."

Aliana narrowed her eyes until she looked back over to see Ginny snogging Dean.

Aliana smiled, "That's my girl."

Ron announced, "I want to leave."

Hermione narrowed her eyes at the ginger, "What? you cant be serious!"

Ron snapped, "That happens to be my sister!"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "So?! What if she saw you snogging me? would you expect her to get up and leave?!"

Harry agreed, "Would you leave if you saw me and Lia snogging?"

Ron groaned, "I'm already used to it though, you guys basically share lips by now."

Aliana blushed as Harry glared at her slyly.

Luckily Slughorn broke the silence, "Hey! M'boy!"
Harry gave a bright smile and waved at the old man.

Harry shook his hand, "It's so wonderful to see you."

Slughorn shook his hand back, "And you!!"

Harry smiled brightly, "So what brings you here?"

Slughorn mumbled a few words no one could understand. He nearly tipped his drink on Hermione, "Oh! Heads up there Granger!"

Hermione sighed deeply as she continued to drink her butterbeer.

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