Eighteen || Lapan Belas

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-next morning-

Joshua and Jeonghan were having a breakfast together when Jeonghan asked Joshua "Do you have any place you want to go, Joshua? How about you decide where should we go today?"

"Me? Hmm," Joshua make a thinking face, trying to remember if someone ever suggested him any special place around "Oh, I heard you like strawberry from your mother. And I also heard there is a strawberry farm around here. Let's go there"

"Wait my mom told you I like strawberry?," Jeonghan asked, not believing what he just heard. When does this two have conversation actually?

"Yeah, anyway, just my personal opinion but it's cute though. You, liking strawberry. I think it suit your preety look," Joshua's words definitely have an effect on Jeonghan, looking at how silly he smile now with a tint of pink shades on his cheeks.

"Well, you are a cutie yourself," Jeonghan compliments the younger back "especially your eyes. You have a very preety eyes"

"I know," Joshua answered, smiling smugly while Jeonghan laughs "and a narcissists one too," he said.


The trip to the strawberry farm is just an hour away from the hotel. Maybe it's also because they come at work hour, the place is not too crowded. Comparing to the amusement park, Joshua kinda like how silent this place is more.

The vibe is diffenitely different from at the amusement park, obviously. It was more to taking picture, relaxing and chilling, laugh and all.

Jeonghan look so happy, so excited, even more glowing than when they are at the amusement park.

Weird enough, it also make Joshua become satisfied, seeing how happy the other is. With his handsome smile. Pink strawberry color complimenting Jeonghan's pale skin, making him look like a garden fairy, plucking all the ripe strawberry within his reach. Therefore, Joshua can't help but take a picture of Jeonghan secretly. He don't even know why he don't just ask the other to pose for him.

"You are so good looking, Jeonghan," Joshua praise when they are sitting together, just the two of them while enjoying the strawberry juice.

Jeonghan laughs softly "what with the sudden compliment?"

"Nothing. Just a sudden thought," Joshua said as he sipping on the pink beverage "I bet lots of girls, maybe even boys asking for your number"

"Hmm, not really? Baekho said I'm an intimidating one so people usually scared of me," Jeonghan admits "I'm not a social person either"

"But I think there's a lot of people want to be friend with you or at least want to be notice by you. You are popular in business field, right? The youngest CEO"

"But I heard from your mom, you don't even know me when she mention my name before hm?," Jeonghan asked.

"Well, I'm not interested in business eventhough my dad is also in the same field. It's just not my thing," Joshua said "and who will think straight at that moment?"

"I supposed. Maybe she don't know you will be this surpirse," Jeonghan shrugs.

"Hm maybe. I don't know she want me to react," Joshua shakes his head "anyway, do you really like strawberry? I means, since when or why?"

"Because it taste suit me?"

Joshua pouts, dissatisfied with the answer "answer is unacceptable. Answer must be 3 lines long. Please try again"

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