twelve ||Dua Belas

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"Is something wrong happen at the party last night? You seem like you didn't sleep at all," Seungcheol asked. There's only him and Joshua at the moment, in the library studying together while waiting for their last class in another 30 minutes.

Seungcheol shakes Joshua's shoulder when the latter didn't responding at all "Shua?"

"He... confessed to me," is the only thing Joshua said, eyes fix on the wall he's looking at since the last 5 minutes.

"Who? Who confessed? Jun?," Seungcheol grins from war to ear "don't tell me it's... Jeonghan?"

"Yeah... last night. Or is it a dream?," Joshua suddenly turn to Seungcheol, squeeshing his arm tightly "there's no party last night right? I didn't go anywhere right? Yeah maybe I sleep in early last night? Huh such thing didn't happen at all, right?" he asked, shaking Seungcheol's body as hard as he can, forcing the boy in front of him to say yes.

"Okay, wait, calm down bitch," Seungcheol pushed Joshua's hand away "I guarantee you, all of our friend go to your house yesterday and we dress you up. We even send you off before heading to our home which only means; yes, you did go. Now spill more tea about the confession"

"This is crazy Seungcheol!," Joshua cries "Is he really confessing to me? What does he means by he's jealous? What does he mean by saying he want to put a ring on my finger? What? What the hell was all that?"

"He said thatttttt?" Seungcheol  squeals in low voice don't want to risk him grtting kicked out from the library  "that's so unexpected oh my god. Last night? And what do you means by jealous? What happened? Tell me moree"

"Seungcheol please," Joshua pinched Seingcheol's arm "that is not what you should concern about. Help me"

Seungcheol rolled his eyes, rubbing the place that Joshua pinch "what else do you want? He obviously have a feeling for you! It is that obvious. Oh, the audicity to say that to your face. Even I won't be able to do that"

"But he shouldn't supposed to like me. Why must he like me? This is just an arrange marriage. Love doesn't supposed to take part of this story"

"Who said that? Tell me? I'm ready to throw my hand now. That is a complete nonsense Shua-ah," Seungcheol shakes his head "you can like him eventhough this is an arranged marriage. Who care when do you guys fall in love and how. There's no exact answer for that. You like someone cause you feel like he's the one for you and because your heart choose that person. So why do you need to feel worried about?"

"But I don't like him that way, Seungcheol," Joshua sighs.

"You sure? You sure you don't like him?"

"What do you means by that?," Joshua asked back, somehow it become a bit harder to breath.

"I don't know. I think you just need to give it to time and you will realized that you also will soon fall in love with him,"Seungcheol smile softly "Give it to time, Shua"

Joshua just sighs as a respond, he pull his body back, leaning at his chair lifelessly. Seungcheol take a deep breath.

"Listen, I'm happy that he confess to you as a friend that support this relationship," Seungcheol confessed  "you might think it's weird. Why do we support him so much? We know very well that you use to have a crush on Jun. Plus, he's a stranger in your life and so does to us. We never meet him. We can't judge but as a friend, we also know that this Jeonghan guy is nice. I don't know but you guys just seem like suitable for each other. We don't know why," he stop for a moment "But as your friend, I also understand the chaos going through your head now. I suggest to just give it some time. Ignore it for a while and calm your mind and you know what more important for you to focus now? Our final exam which is 9 days from now. Forget everything and focus on yourself first and then you decide what should you do. We will help you eventhough we support Jeonghan"

"First, I think you should stop hanging out with Hany, you start to talk like her. What with all those phrase thay like come out from the novel?," Joshua said "but yeah, you are right. The exam is near. That is what I should be focus on more"


"I messed up so bad," Jeonghan sighs slumping his body on his chair, his energy has gone together with the strength of finishing his work.

"What happened?," his friend, Baekho asked. Jeonghan don't really talk about his problem to anyone. He don't even really show this side of him when they are at work so he was surprise to see Jeonghan in this state out of the blue. He also think that whatever this is, it might linked to his beloved fiance.

"It's about Joshua"


"What about him?"

"I confessed to him last night and I know damn well he didn't take it so well. He even left our house before I wake up to make us breakfast this morning. Damnit. I know I should have wait for a while before confessing but no, my mouth don't know how to shut up and this is because of that wonwoo kid. Just because I'm jealous and this is what I got," Jeonghan hide his face on the table, punching the table with such force.

"First, wow that is so brave of you. Second of all, HAHAHA," Baekho laughs  "you are jealous of a kid??  Third, hey give him some time. He is just surprise okay? Do you really think he will remember his promise after that long? Give him some time. Anyway, I also know someone in in his age and if I'm not mistaken they are having their final exam at this time. I think he want to focus on this exam first before he think about anything else. Aren't you say he want to be a teacher one day? Just do what you always do when you are with him. I means like, let him focus yet let him also know that you are there too. But don't be too obvious," Jeonghan stop him.

"Seriously what the hell are you blabbing about now?"

Baekho rolled his eyes "just do what I said. You will understand once you start. Then, after he finish his exam, take him out. Don't make it a date but just the two of you guys hanging out for him to release his stress and all"

"Take him out to where?," Jeonghan asked.

"It's on you bro. Think about it yourself. I have meeting in 5 minutes with my team. Good luck, prince charming"

Kinda messy, no?
Anyway, sorry for the late update. My final sem just start and we have lots of activities in collegue even when it was just 3 days in.

This ff got 2k+ reads already and #1 in JiHan recently! Thank you so much for the support.

Stay healthy, stay happy, stay slay bestieee. Have a nice day.

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