Home again - Part 7 - Jaime x Reader

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"What?" (Y/n) asked, as she came up to the two seated men. The ward letting out a heavy sigh before dropping next to Tyrion.

"I wasn't going to say a thing................"

"I was.........white cloaked, mollycoddled lapdog..........? I wish I'd thought of that." Bronn interrupted Tyrion. Still finding the lady's insult quite amusing. Only wishing that he could have been there to see (Y/n) call the Kingslayer, it.

"What can I say.........it seemed to fit. Sandor still holds himself like a man when he is called the Hound. He is big and strong. He stands by your side and protects you like a faithful friend. Jaime on the other hand, is one of those shitty little yapping things that bite at your ankles. One of those creatures that only seem to like one person." (Y/n) replied, her head dropping into her hands. The ward not noticing as Bronn and Tyrion looked at one another. Both of them rolling their eyes at her protests. But still able to admit that she did have a point.

"Ya know, it would be easier if ya just fuck him. Get it outta ya system. If he ain't as good with that golden cock of his, as he makes out, then ya might be able to get over him." Bronn again piped up. (Y/n)'s head flying up; her irritated gaze quickly turning from Bronn to the uncomfortable looking little man by her side.

"What did you tell him? I swear Tyrion Lannister I am never going to trust you again. And for your information, Bronn, I do not feel the need to fuck Jaime Lannister or any other pretty boy that calls Kings Landing home. I have standards when it comes to men. And that strutting, fancy, narcissistic Kingsguard just happens to fall way below my standards. Now, I feel the need to deplete the stocks of the finest wine that Robert tries to keep just for himself. So, you can either join me, or spend the rest of the day looking out over an empty arena." (Y/n) retorted, as she got to her feet and made her way back into the Keep.

"Yep, she's definitely in love with him." Bronn sniffed, as he too got to his feet. Tyrion nodding in agreement before he jumped from his seat and followed after the sellsword. Both of them more than happy to join the ward in a drink.


"What?" Jaime asked in disbelief, as he looked at his sister.

"I said, I don't want you to have anything more to do with her. I could never understand why father took pity on her in the first place. It wasn't right that she was raised with us. She isn't a Lannister. She isn't even a real lady. Her father's House was too small to even be of concern. We should have just left her in whatever gutter her family crawled out of. And then, to repay our father for his kindness, she runs away when marriage was mentioned............who does she think she is? She should be a little more grateful for all that has been done for her. She should have accepted her fate like every other woman has too. But she always did think that she was something special. Something better. That she was smarter than the rest of us." Cersei bit out, as she poured herself a glass of wine. Jaime doing his best to control the anger that was bubbling inside him.

(Y/n) was right when she had described his twin as a vile, venom filled witch. He had come to see that more and more since (Y/n) had left Kings Landing. Come to see that the feelings he had for Cersei, were nothing compared to the love that he felt for (Y/n). For the love he had always felt for (Y/n). And as Cersei belittled her all the more. Calling the beautiful ward every atrocious thing that she could think of, Jaime realised that his sister really was as bad as everyone else believed. That for his own sake, and his happiness, he had to be with (Y/n). Though at this moment, he would have to tell Cersei exactly what she wanted to hear. Jaime fearing what his sister would get the likes of Gregor and Trant to do to (Y/n), if he refused her.

"If that's what you wish. Now, if you have no further need of me............." Jaime replied, before turning and quickly making his way to the door. Not wanting to give his sister a chance to call him back. The Kingsguard more determined than ever to put his plan into action. More determined to make (Y/n) his, before Cersei 's antics made her run again.


"What...................?" (Y/n) asked, as she looked at the grinning sellsword.

"I said, that ya can always fuck me instead. If ya don't want tha golden cock, I would be more than willing ta show ya what a real man can do with a real cock................"

"That is so very nice of you Bronn. And I am sure that any other woman would jump at the charming offer of being fucked by a man, that has had more women in his bed, than I have had hot meals. A man that has probably spent more Lannister gold in the brothels of the Street of Silk, than a certain Lannister has himself. But I am afraid that I will have to decline. As I said earlier, I have standards when it comes to men. And anyway, you're not really my type..........."

"I'm every woman's type." Bronn protested. The sellsword pouting a little, as Tyrion let out an amused snort. Nearly sending his wine up his nose.

"I hate to tell you this, and bruise that ego of yours, but you aren't this woman's type. I prefer a man who doesn't just think that all women are in this world to get his cock wet. A man whose hand doesn't instinctively reach for the gold in his purse, when a woman talks about going to bed. And talking about bed, I think that it is high time that I went to mine......alone." (Y/n) laughed, as she put her empty glass on the table and got to her feet. The ward placing a quick kiss to Tyrion and then Bronn's cheek.

"I am going to speak with Tywin in the morning. See if I can persuade him to give me command of the guard, or something. Anything that will keep me out of the way of your brother and sister. But, for now, I will wish you both, goodnight." The ward added, before she made her way through the door and out into the cold dark corridor.

"Not her type? The woman must have been hit one too many times in the head on the battlefield." Bronn huffed, as the door closed. The sellsword still more than positive that he was the most desirable man in Kings Landing, if not the whole of Westeros.


(Y/n) made her way back to her room. The ward hoping that the man she had grown to love as a father, would take pity on her once again. That he really would agree to her being a guard, a bannerman, anything, instead of speaking of marriage. That he would see that she could serve House Lannister in better ways than being given to some odious lord. Her life turning into nothing more than that of a breeding cow.

Suddenly, she found a hand being pushed over her mouth. An arm wrapped around her waist, before she was pulled into the dark shadows. Her back pressed up against a firm chest. Her eyes growing wide as she heard a deep, heavy voice speak.

"I'm sorry................"

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