Home again - Part 3 - Jaime x Reader

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(Y/n) looked up at Jaime. How was it possible that the already beautiful lion had become even more so since she had been gone? It was true to say the brightness of his hair had dulled a little over the years, and that there was a stubble to his chin that showed that he had not shaved for a number of days. Yet all that just made him appear handsomely rugged. Made her want to leave Tywin's side and rush into Jaime's arms. Made her want to tell him how much she had missed him. How the thought of him taking her into his arms and kissing her, had filled not only her dreams, but also her waking moments. How she had always loved him, and always would. But the white cloak that hung around his shoulders, told her that the oath was as important to him as the day that he had taken it. That Cersei would always be more important to him, than a simple ward could ever hope to be.

"Tyrion!" (Y/n) exclaimed happily, as she finally turned her gaze from the golden lion to the younger Lannister that stood by his side. The ward quickly getting to her feet and making her way over to the little lion. (Y/n) falling back to her knees so that she could properly embrace her old friend.

"And how is my little know it all? Still think that you're smarter than anyone else?" (Y/n) chuckled, as she pulled away to get a better look at Tyrion.

"Better now that I have seen that you are here. And I don't think that I am smarter. I know that I am smarter. There is a difference, (Y/n). Though now that you are home, I might have a little competition." Tyrion replied with an amused snort. The little man ignoring his father's usual disdainful glare.

"Please tell me that Bronn is still here. I've missed that old braggart. It's been so boring in the evenings without all his exaggerated tales of daring do. Without all his extremely descriptive tales of all the women in his life.........."

"Oh, he is still with me. Why don't come and see him? He will usually be making his way to my rooms at this time of day to deplete the stores of the Keeps wine." Tyrion told her. (Y/n) nodding her head, before remembering that Tywin was with them.

"I would love to, if that is alright with you fath............my lord........?" (Y/n) replied, as she turned her attention to the old lion. Tywin wanting to tell his ward that he would prefer it if she had nothing to do with either his youngest son, or his sellsword. But the look in (Y/n)'s eyes made it very difficult for the Hand to do anything but agree.

"Very well, but you will come and have dinner with me. There is still much that we need to discuss. What we can do with you now that you have returned." Tywin reluctantly agreed. (Y/n) once again getting back to her feet and making her way over to the old man's chair. The ward placing a soft kiss to his cheek.

"Of course, father..........." (Y/n) whispered into his ear before returning to Tyrion. The little lion holding out his hand for (Y/n) to take before leading her out of the room. The lady giving Jaime a respectful smile and polite nod as she moved past him. Sure, that if she were to do anything more, she would forget herself. That she would fall into his arms and never want to leave.


(Y/n) dropped onto her bed. To say it had been quite a day would be an understatement. It was true that the nervousness of returning to the lion's lair had left her as soon as Tywin had taken her into his arms. But seeing Jaime again, had reignited feelings that she still knew would never be returned. Feelings that she had hoped she could rid herself of. Though, in truth, she knew that the only one she had been fooling was herself. The sight of him bringing back everything that she had felt before she had run away. That, and she had forgotten how tiring being around Tyrion and Bronn could be. How full on they could be together, and how good they were at making her forget all the other things that she had to do. (Y/n) nearly having missed going to see Tywin for dinner. But at least that all had meant she had been able to avoid seeing Jaime again. Though she did realise that if she was to remain in the Keep, she would just have to learn to live with the feelings that she had run away from. Would have to learn to live with just seeing the golden lion as a friend. And nothing more.

"One moment..........." (Y/n) called out, as a sharp knock came to the door of her chamber. The ward straightening herself, as she rose from her bed. She had to admit that she was not in the mood to receive visitors. The only thing she wanted, was to take the clothes from her form and sneak under the clean sheets. But the knock sounded firm enough to be from the large fist of Sandor, and she didn't want to miss out on seeing that grumpy visage after so long.

"Sandor, its..................." (Y/n) began, as she opened the door. The rest of her words catching in her throat, as she saw the face of her visitor.

"J..........Jaime. Forgive me. I thought you might be Sandor. What can I do for you...............?" (Y/n) asked, as she looked up at the lion. His golden armour and white cloak gone, to be replaced by a simple shirt and dark breeches.

"I was hoping that you and I could talk, (Y/n)." Jaime replied, almost apologetically as he stood in the doorway. The Lannister ward's mouth becoming dry and her palms beginning to sweat, as she looked into his eyes.

He appeared almost humble. A state that was in complete contrast to how he normally appeared. Or should that be, how he liked the rest of the Seven Kingdoms to see him. The look of hope, and sadness in his green orbs shattering any hope that (Y/n) may have harboured that she could turn him away.

"Of course, Jaime. Please, come in..................."  

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