Queen of the beasts - Part 4 - Bronn x Reader

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"La......Lady Lannister. What are you doing here? Are we to arm?" One of the old Lannister bannermen asked, as an irate looking (Y/n) marched with purpose towards him. The man pushing the whore that had sat on his knee, onto the floor. The other men around him doing the same as the leader of their force came to a stop before them.

Each of them had served under the command of the Queen before. Each had seen the lioness at her fiercest. But the way she looked as she scanned their faces had even the seasoned warriors concerned for their own lives.

"Where is he?" (Y/n) growled as she glared at the man before her. The soldier turning to look at the others as if asking for help.

"He? He who, milady?" The man asked nervously, as (Y/n) stood toe to toe with him.

"That underhanded, conceited, arrogant, narcissistic, pig headed, money grubbing, sack of shit......" (Y/n) began. The man before her trying to hold back his desire to laugh at the lioness's description of the sellsword.

"Bronn. Er......Bronn is, er..........he's busy........" The soldier interrupted, not wanting to explain that the sellsword had already taken one of the young women into a tent.

"I don't care if he is indulging in the favours of one of these......these......ladies. I have been around men and soldiers all my life. I know what they get up to. I have seen it all, and I assure you that nothing shocks me. I want to know where that pile of putrid flesh is." (Y/n) continued. The fire in her eyes getting fiercer as she waited for the bannerman to give her a suitable answer.

Slowly the bannerman lifted his hand, pointing in the direction of one of the hastily constructed tents. A tight, thin smile growing on (Y/n)'s lips as she looked over to where her quarry was currently indulging in something that (Y/n) didn't even want to imagine.

"It's going to get messy. So, unless you wanted to be decorated in a nice shade of sellsword intestine, I would suggest that you leave." (Y/n) told the men as she turned and made for the tent. The soldiers knowing that if there was going to be a fight between the lioness and the sellsword, the last thing that they were going to do was leave.

(Y/n) stood before the tent and took a breath. Whether she died at the hands of Bronn, or by the White Walkers, one thing was for sure, that she would do it with all the dignity that her father had instilled in her. All the pride that her family name gave her. She was called the Queen of beasts for a reason. And now Bronn would find out firsthand what she was truly capable of.

"Get out." (Y/n) barked at the woman that had hastily covered herself in her discarded gown, while staring wide eyed at the armed Lannister.

"I told you to get out. If he owes you money, you can take it from his corpse when I've finished with him. But he will no longer be requiring your particular kind of service." (Y/n) informed the woman. Watching as the whore quickly dressed and ran from the tent.

"If you wanted me all to yaself, ya should have just said, milady. But I assure ya, there is enough left in me ta satisfy you too." Bronn chuckled as he looked up at (Y/n). The sellsword pulling back the cover on the makeshift bed so that the lioness could see exactly what he had to offer.

"Please. I'm surprised that anything that small could satisfy any woman. Its just a shame that your cock isn't as big as your ego, because if it was, I might change my mind about killing you. But as it is, put your pants on and grab your sword. You and I have something to settle." (Y/n) scoffed, as she picked up Bronn's pants and threw them in his face, before she turned and left the tent. A wide grin pulling at the sellswords lips as he slowly got up from the bed. It more than obvious that (Y/n)'s two brothers had informed her of their deal.

(Y/n) stood outside the tent in a small clearing. The Lannister and other bannermen surrounding her in a great circle. All the soldiers desperate to see the outcome of a fight between the fierce lioness and the cocky sellsword. Slowly (Y/n) pulled on her gloves, the soft leather like a second skin as she flexed her fingers and pulled her sword from its scabbard and waited for her opponent to appear.

"I take it ya brothers told ya of our little agreement?" Bronn enquired, as he finally joined (Y/n). The sellsword emerging in nothing more than his pants and a sword.

"Oooooooh yes. And I have come to inform you that no matter what my brother, or that bitch of a sister of mine offered you, I have absolutely no intention of being wed to you. I would rather die tonight than suffer that indignity. But, if you survive the war against the Night Kings army, I will personally deliver Highgarden to you on a silver platter. You can be the lord of anywhere you damn well please. Yet.....if you think that you are going to get my hand so that you can legitimise your grip on the Reach. You will have to think again. If you want my hand, you will have to fight me for it. Oh, and just one last thing. You threatened my brothers, so now I have to kill you." (Y/n) told Bronn, as she pointed her blade at the sellsword. Bronn simply leaning against his own sword and smiling at the lioness.

"See, this is exactly why I want ya (Y/n). And given what your family owes me for my service, nothing short of a castle and a lioness will do. Afterall, don't you Lannisters always pay your debts?" Bronn enquired, as he watched (Y/n). Knowing that with every second that passed the Queen was growing angrier.

Bronn loved to see her like this. He loved the fire in her eyes. He loved her passion and spirit. Even in the middle of a fight, the sellsword had stood and watched the lioness. Her roar heard above everything else as she would run headlong into the fray, covered in blood and dirt. Like him, she wore no real armour, carried no shield, relying only on her own speed, agility, and ability to beat the enemy. From the moment he had seen her, Bronn had wanted her. And if it took nearly killing her, here and now, then that was what he would have to do.

"If that's tha way ya want it, luv. But one way or another, I'll have my castle. And you." Bronn declared, raising his sword just in time to stop (Y/n)'s abrupt strike. A sudden rush of bets being placed between the assembled warriors as Bronn began to fight back against the irate lioness.

Blow after blow. Strike after strike after strike. Bronn and (Y/n) fought. The two of them almost evenly matched as the sound of metal upon metal rang out into the cold night. The only other noise the cheers of the soldiers around them.

Without warning, Bronn swung out his leg, taking (Y/n)'s from under her. The Queen falling onto her back as her sword flew from her hands. Before she could spring to her feet, the body of the sellsword was above her, pinning her to the floor with his weight.

"Admit it (Y/n). Being married ta me wouldn't be sa bad. Ain't another man can bring outta ya the same passion that I can. There ain't no other man that you'd fight this hard against. I seen tha way ya look at me when ya think no one else sees. So why don't ya just tell me that ya love me." Bronn chuckled, as he pinned one of her arms above her head. Confident that he had beaten her, given that her sword now lay too far out of reach for her to retrieve. His eyes suddenly growing wide though, as he felt the tip of a dagger blade sticking into his crotch. (Y/n) laughing as she looked up at him.

"By the time I'm finished with you, you will be as well equipped to be a husband as Varys was. But from what I saw earlier, there's not much to deprive you of anyway." (Y/n) hissed, as she dug the dagger in deeper. The two combatants suddenly looking up as they and all the others heard the call to arms. (Y/n) pushing Bronn from her as she jumped to her feet.

"You will stay by my side. I don't want the Walkers killing you before we have chance to finish our fight." (Y/n) growled to Bronn. The sellsword rushing off to dress. Their battle having to wait until the war against the Night King and his army was won. 

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