Dragons and Krakens - Part 1 - Euron x Reader

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The skirmish had lasted longer than Euron had thought it would. The crew of The Silencer having to battle harder than he would have believed against the other, much smaller vessel. But now, as its masts floated, tattered in the water, the lord of the Salt Throne knew that his prize wasn't going anywhere.

He couldn't help but smile to himself as he stood at the prow of his ship, the disabled vessel opposite, floating helplessly as the mute crew of The Silencer readied a small boat to take the victorious captain over to his goal.

Normally Euron wouldn't waste his time on such a pathetic vessel. It did nothing for his ego, or his reputation to be associated with such an easy victory, but the prize onboard this particular ship would be worth more than its weight in gold to the right buyer, and the Ironborn king couldn't wait to set his eyes on her. For this time, he was not concerned with gold or riches. This time his prize was a woman, but not just any woman. This woman was a dragon, a Targaryen.

Euron had never seen a Targaryen, but he had heard the stories. Stories of the beggar king that had been killed by molten gold. Tales of the mother of dragons. But it was (Y/n) Targaryen that Euron now waited to see, the oldest of the three siblings that had managed to flee the forces of Robert Baratheon's rebellion. The woman supposed to be as fearsome as her family's sigil. The one true dragon.

Euron climbed aboard what was left of a ship that had ironically been named The Kraken Killer, a name that Euron couldn't help but find amusing.

"Find me the captain." Euron hissed to one of his crew. The man rushing off and returning dragging behind him a dishevelled, smoke and soot stained man that didn't dare look up at the sneering Euron.

"Where is she?" Euron growled, as the cowering man continued to look at the deck.

"She who? Ain't no woman here." The captain said, finding himself on his knees as the Silencer crewman pushed him down to the deck.

"Do you take me for a fool? I want the Targaryen. I want the dragon! Now tell me where she is, or you will pay with your life." Euron yelled, as the man finally stared up at him.

"Ain't no dragon on board me ship. Do ya worst, ya Pyke Island scum." The captain shouted, gasping for air as Euron's sword sliced at his throat. The man's blood spilling out over the planks of his own ship.

"Never ask for my worst." Euron hissed, as the last light of life left his victims eyes.

"Kill the rest of the crew. Then find the woman. I want the dragon." Euron called out, as his crew rushed off, the crew of the defeated vessel falling prey to the sword, as the victorious crew searched every box and every possible hiding spot for their captain's elusive prize.

Suddenly a flurry of activity alerted Euron to a commotion at the bow of the ship, his eyes growing wide as he saw a mass of long wet white hair being dragged from the water. Euron making his way over to see whether his prize was still alive or one with the Drowned God.

He had been told about how beautiful the Targaryen sisters were supposed to be, yet he had scoffed at the suggestion that (Y/n) in particular was supposed to be as perfect as she was dangerous. But now as he stood before her, her shimmering purple eyes glaring at him from under long sodden hair, Euron knew that the stories had not done her justice.

She was breathtaking, exquisite, a gift from the Drowned God himself. And no matter how beautiful he had believed Cersei to be, compared the (Y/n) Targaryen, she may as well have been the Hound.

She might have been wet, she might have been shivering, but there was still something majestically defiant about her. Something that spoke of a regal dignity despite her childhood of begging on the streets of the Free Cities. But it was those eyes that really caught his attention. They were so deep, so penetrating, so perfect that Euron couldn't believe that they were even human.

"My lady Targaryen. Such a pleasure to meet you." Euron cooed softly, a smile creeping across his lips as the dragon raised her head to take in the full extent of the man before her.

"I am.........." Euron began, only stopping as the woman on the deck began to chuckle.

"I know who you are, but alas I cannot say that there is any pleasure in meeting you. I do not lower myself to dealings with the filth of the sea. You are nothing more than a pathetic pirate, a pirate that probably already has a buyer lined up for me. A Lannister perhaps?" The lady growled, Euron not sure whether he wanted to kiss the woman that sat on the deck, or run his sword through her.

"I assure you, my lady, that I am far more than a simple pirate. And until I can convey you to your buyer, you will be my guest." Euron told the dragon, as he leant down and gripped her chin firmly in his hand.

"I am sure that you and I can find a few things to do in the meantime." Euron continued, as he thought of the woman naked and in his bed.

"I swear to all the gods, that if you ever touch me again, you will no longer be the lord of the Iron Thone, you will be its lady." (Y/n) told him, as she slapped his hand away from her face.

For a moment Euron felt a strange mixture of arousal from her defiance, and anger about being spoken to in such a manner. Ironborn women were as fierce as their male counterparts, as strong and tough as any man. But this Targaryen, this Targaryen was as tempestuous as the most violent storm, as unpredictable as the sea, the sea that every true Ironborn loved. And Euron wanted her, wanted all of her.

"Escort the lady Targaryen to The Silencer. Make her as comfortable as possible. I do not wish anything to happen to such a beautiful creature. Especially not when I have plans for her." Euron instructed, as two of his men helped the still shivering woman to her feet.

"And if anyone dares touch her, dares even look at her in a way that I do not like, you will wish that you had never been born." Euron growled, as he took off his coat and placed it around the lady's shoulders.

"Pirates aren't always as bad as you may think that are, my lady. And dragons and krakens aren't all that dissimilar." Euron whispered in (Y/n)'s ear. The lady giving him a wry smile as his men accompanied her back to The Silencer.   

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