A little magic in Winterfell - Part 2 - Robb x Reader

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"Where have you three been? We have been waiting for you." Ned asked, as Robb, Jon, and Theon all seemed to tumble through the doors to the main hall. The rest of the Stark children doing their best not to laugh as the three young men picked themselves up from the floor.

"We, er.......we were in........" Robb began, holding out his hand to help Jon up from the floor.

"Never mind. Just come and sit down." Ned continued, grumbling slightly as he returned to take his seat next to Catelyn. The matriarch of the family shaking her head and smiling subtly as she watched all the family finally come together.

"What's going on? What's so important?" Robb whispered to Sansa, as he took his seat next to his sister.

"Father went out to the villages and spoke to some of the troupe. Given the significance of the year, they have agreed to give us a private show." Sansa explained, obviously excited by the thought of having the group perform just for them.

As if from nowhere, familiar spheres of light flooded the hall. Robb finding his heart pounding with hope that his mysterious lady would make an appearance as the globes slowly began to change colour and spin in the air. The balls of light forming into the sigil of the family.

The Starks turned their attention to the entrance to the room as the doors to the great hall were suddenly pushed open, a succession of tumbling and spinning performers flooding the hall as the family stared in delight. The younger Starks had never seen anything like the colour that now filled the room. The laughter and clapping of the children accompanying the performers as they began to play their instruments.

But it was not the music or the feats of the acrobats that seemed to be able to fly through the air that had caught Robb's attention, but the pale haired beautiful woman that seemed to be gliding into the room surrounded by what looked like thousands of tiny twinkling stars. The whole scene making the mysterious lady of light seem even more ethereal than she had before.

"My lord and lady Stark." The young woman announced. The music and performers stopping as they all bowed elegantly before the rulers of Winterfell.

"I have the greatest pleasure to introduce myself. I am (Y/n), the descendant of the young girl that your ancestor rescued. And on this great anniversary we come to you in thanks. And I give you a promise, that as long as my line, and the line of Stark continue, my people will always fulfill the promise that my ancestors made to yours. Now, may I introduce to you, the troupe." (Y/n) declared, as out from the palms of her hands shot streams of fire, and showers of snowflakes that spun and mingled high above the family's heads. The show of lights, colour, and sounds thrilling all those in attendance.

But Robb wasn't watching the performance that was going on around him. All he could think about was the young woman that seemed to be able to produce and control all the things around her with just a mere movement of her delicate fingers.

He couldn't believe that she was descendant of the child from his family's legend. And he couldn't help but be grateful to his ancestor for his endeavour, knowing that without Bran, the beautiful woman before him would not even exist.

Robb watched, transfixed, as she smiled softly. His heart crashing against his ribcage with every beat as he thought about being able to speak to her further. He knew that the troupe would only ever stay for the shortest day, and in the morning would seem to vanish as quickly as they appeared, back into the snow from where they emerged, not to be seen again until the next year. But Robb hoped that despite this limited window of opportunity, he would have the chance to get to know this (Y/n) better.


Robb looked on as his father and mother spoke to (Y/n). The three smiling, as the lord and lady of Winterfell thanked the troupe for what they had done. The show had been beyond anything that any present had ever seen, and now the moon was at its highest point in the sky, the heir to the north knew that it was the only time that he might have to speak to the young woman.

Robb watched as (Y/n) bowed to his parents before making her way over to the other performers, sending them back to the rest of the troupe that they had left performing for the villagers.

"You are very lucky, you know." (Y/n) said softly, as Robb came up behind her. The young woman having cast her gaze out onto the rest of the great castle.

"Sometimes I would give anything to be able to call a place as wonderous as this, home. My life is the open road, a succession of villages, of towns and cities. A blur of faces and places, each one melding into the next, yet none I can call home. But that is all I have ever known, all I have is the troupe and the never ending clatter of wagon wheels." (Y/n) said, a sad smile slowly pulling at the corners of her lips as she turned to come face to face with Robb.

"Hello, I am. It is nice to meet you again." (Y/n) continued, holding out her hand for Robb to take. Robb gratefully taking it and kissing it gently, not sure what might appear if he wasn't careful.

"I assure you (Y/n), that the pleasure is all mine. If you would like to see more of Winterfell, I would be more than happy to show you," Robb offered, hoping that the gifted woman before him would do him the honour of agreeing to join him.

"That is very kind of you my lord. I would like that a great deal." (Y/n) replied, as she took Robb's arm. The two quietly making their way out of the great hall.


Robb and (Y/n) sat in the snow covered garden. The two had been talking for what seemed like hours, and it felt to Robb as if he had known the young woman all his life.

"I still cannot believe that you are the descendant of the young girl that Bran saved all those moons ago. I have been told the old legend since I was a young boy, but to have you sitting here with me, just makes me so much happier that the whole thing is true." Robb almost whispered, as he held onto (Y/n)'s hand. The young lord hoping that if he held on long enough, she would not leave when the sun rose.

"I have been told the legend as long as you have. And even though I lost my parents when I was young, the older members of the troupe always made sure that I knew where I came from, and what I owed to the Stark family. This has been the first year that I have been able to take my place at the head of the troupe, the first year that I have truly been able to control the gift that I received from my ancestors. For there is a twist to the old tale that your family will not know. The little girl that Bran saved was as gifted as I, but she was young, and could not control her powers. I am afraid that she was the cause of the sudden snowstorm from which she needed to be rescued. In a way I suppose that it was lucky that it was only the snow that she was able to conjure. If it had been the flame, then maybe none of us would be here now." (Y/n) informed Robb, as he moved closer to the woman by his side.

"You seem surprised that the magic is genuine and not just a mere illusion. But I assure you that it is very real. The power inside me will only grow as I get older, and I will be able to better control all those things that you have seen. My family is from House Firebird as well as House Winter, and every female of my line has been gifted in such a fashion. But I am unique, even in this family. I am also able to control the lights that you have seen. I can bend them to my will so that I may show images of things that are important to the person viewing. And given this difference, I have made it my duty to learn all I can about my gift, so that one day I can pass its secrets on to the next generation." (Y/n) continued, as she reluctantly rose to her feet. The dark of the night slowly subsiding as the new morning sun began to appear.

"I am afraid that I have to leave. The winter and the road call us, and we must follow where it leads. I will return again. When the shortest day calls me to repay my debt to your family, I will come to see you. That is if you remember me." (Y/n) said sadly, tears rolling down her cheeks as she suddenly disappeared from Robb's side. The young lord racing through the corridors of Winterfell as he hoped to get to the troupe before they too left for another year, determined that he would not let (Y/n) go that easily.  

Game of Thrones: Short stories.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora