Kill for you - Part 1 - Euron x Reader

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Euron smiled, looking up at his sister as she stood defiantly at the prow of the Silence. The Ironborn princess clothed in her usually dark leather and heavy fur coat. Never once flinching as the freezing spray of the sea and chilled winds kissed her skin. He couldn't help but think that she looked magnificent. That she was the greatest gift that the Drowned God had ever bestowed on the Iron Islands. On him. The most beautiful Ironborn there was. And she was his.........all his. And woe betide anyone that tried to say different. The Drowned God help any man that tried to come between them. For if they did, they might just find themselves like Balon.

For years their older brother had tried to keep them apart. From the moment that (Y/n) had come of age, Balon had put their sister out of Euron's reach as best he could. The head of House Greyjoy seeing the way that Euron would look at their younger sister. How he would use any excuse to get close to her. To touch her. Balon having no intention of letting his younger brother do to (Y/n), what he knew he wanted to do. And Euron hated, despised him for it.

Euron was well aware that there was no love lost between himself and Balon. In fact, he had always known that Balon had hated him as much as he hated Balon. Euron sure that he tried to keep (Y/n) from him as some kind of torture. That his older brother got some perverse thrill out of seeing him suffer at not having (Y/n) near him. But the then Lord Reaper of Pyke, had never taken into account the depth of his brother's desires. The depth of his needs. The young kraken evading the guards that had stood outside her room on the evening that she had come of age. Evaded the patrolling guards, as he took his life into his hands, had scaled the wall and jumped through her window.

He could remember how perfect she had looked as she turned around to look at him. As she had rushed over to help him to his feet. Arousal racing through his body, as she had looked him up and down to make sure that he wasn't injured. As she had pulled him into her arms and chastised him for putting himself in danger. That sweet, concerned embrace turning into so much more, as he had pulled away so that he could crash his lips into hers. His sister moaning lewdly, as he had pushed his hand under the skirt of her simple nightgown. As his fingers found the prize. (Y/n) gripping tightly at his shirt, as he had teased her. Her head dropping to his shoulder, as she begged him to do more. As she pleaded with him to do something about the ache that was growing inside her. Euron smiling as he had continued his sinful torment. As he continued to suggest that he would give her what she wanted. What she needed, before pulling his hand away. Only capitulating as tears had begun to roll down her cheeks. Euron almost tearing the thin gown from her body, before he had carried her to the bed. And that night, and for every night since, she had given him everything that he had ever wanted. Willing to surrender herself, body and soul, to him. Allowing him to fulfil his every depraved and dark want. Euron falling more and more under the spell of his sister with every kiss. A sister that was able to win over the new Lord of the Salt Throne, as easily as she did the hearts and minds of the other Ironborn. Able to, just like him, become what was needed in any situation. To change her personality and approach as appropriate, to get her way. At one moment able to drink and swear with the crews of the fleet, and then be the most perfect of women if there was a need to impress an unsuspecting lord. Euron remembering the look in the eyes of Jaime Lannister when he and (Y/n) had been to Kings Landing. A look that he knew so well. The look that he had seen in any man's eyes that had ever come into contact with (Y/n). The look that he got in his eyes. The King of Salt and Rock knowing that if the Kingslayer had made one wrong move. Had got closer than he liked. Then he might just have found himself split in two by his battle axe. Euron more than willing to face the combined forces of the Baratheons and Lannisters, for his sister. More than willing to kill and to die for her if need be. Happy to not only kill his brother for the throne and the hand of his sister. But anyone else that may dare think to come between them again.

Suddenly the wind picked up. The strong gust throwing the back of (Y/n)'s coat into the air, allowing Euron to see the figure that lay beneath. His hand slowly reaching for his hardening cock, as he imagined what he wanted to do to her at that moment. The thought of taking her right here and now, in front of his muted crew, making a small smile pull at the corner of his lips. The images of her bent over the railing as he fucked her. The wind taking her lust filled moans to the ears of the men that manned the Silence, more than he could bare. The Son of the Sea Wind knowing that he had to do something about the need that was burning like wildfire deep inside him. He had to feel her against him. Had to feel her sheath him in her warm, wet womanhood. He had to make her his. Euron slowly making his way to join her. Slowly making his way to tell her what he desired. The sight as she turned and smiled at him, telling him that she wanted him too.

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