My dear priest - Part 4 - Thoros x Reader

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In any other time and place, (Y/n) would have found all this quite amusing. The looks of terror on the faces of the six men, as she and Thoros raced towards them with their burning blades in hand. Thoros cutting down the tall, lean man that had threatened to kill him. That had wanted to do even worse things to her, first. Yet it wasn't another time and place. They were here, and she wasn't about to let these bandits get close to her brother or the others. She wasn't about to let them do anything to her priest before she got chance to actually tell him that she loved him. That she hoped he might feel the same. That they might, somehow, be able to get to know one another better, without Beric or the rest of the Brotherhood watching their every move. The Lady of Lightning catching the bandit leader's wrist, as he raised his sword to attack. (Y/n) pushing her own blade through his belly. His insides spilling onto the earth, as she sliced him open. The large man's eyes widening in disbelief as she withdrew her blade, and he fell with a sickening thud to the floor. The young Dondarrion spinning on her heels to face the next man. A small smile kissing her lips, as she caught sight of Thoros kill yet another man. (Y/n) imaging that the only difference between the bravery that the priest showed at this moment, and the Siege of Pyke, was that that he wasn't currently drunk out of his skull. Though she was sure that after this, that situation might change. And she might just join him. (Y/n) grabbing for the dagger in her belt, before throwing it at a troll of a man that was coming up behind Thoros. The blade lodging itself in the man's eye. The priest of the Lord of Light smiling at her, before killing the assailant in front of him.


In any other time and place, Thoros would have found all this quite funny. The looks of terror on the faces of the six men when they realised the mistake that they had made. As they had watched (Y/n) and himself race towards them with their burning blades in hand. Thoros making sure to cut down the tall, lean man that had threatened to kill him. That had wanted to do even worse things to the lady that he loved, first. Yet it wasn't another time and place. They were here, and he wasn't about to let these bandits cause any trouble for his friend or the rest of the men. He wasn't about to let them do anything to his Lightning Lady before he had had a chance to actually tell her that he loved her. That he hoped she might really feel the same. Hoped that despite the fact that he wasn't necessarily what you could call a good man most of the time, he might be worthy of a lady as perfect as she was. And that they might, somehow, be able to get to know one another better, much better, without Beric or the rest of the Brotherhood watching their every move. Thoros hoping that she had meant it when she had informed him, that the only man she wanted to moan for, was him.

The Red Priest couldn't help but watch in admiration, as The Lady of Blackhaven caught the bandit leader's wrist as he raised his sword to attack her. A small proud smile coming to his lips, as (Y/n) pushed her own burning blade into the man's belly. His guts dropping out onto the dark dirt, as she sliced him open. The fool's eyes widening in shock, as she withdrew her blade, and he fell with a pleasing thud to the floor. Thoros bringing down yet another man of his own, as he tried to get closer to her. Reminding himself to ask the lady if she would join him for a drink, or three after all this was all over. His own eyes widening, as (Y/n) grabbed for the dagger in her belt. Throwing it in his direction. The blade landing in the eye of a rather piggy looking man that had managed to come up behind him. Thoros smiling at her, before killing his own assailant.


"Well, well, well. What do we have here............" Thoros mocked, as the last bandit fell to his knees.

"It would appear, my dear priest, that you and I have come across a snake out for a slither.............." (Y/n) answered, as she and Thoros moved closer to the man that was now knelt in a puddle of his own piss.

"And what do you think that we should do with this snake, my lady..........?"

"The only thing that you can do with snakes, Thoros. Take its head from its body............." (Y/n) replied, as she placed her blade just in front of the man's face. The pathetic creature now taking to whimpering and pleading for his worthless life.

"Then my dear Lady Dondarrion, you shall have the pleasure.........."

"Oh no, Thoros. I insist that you should be the be the one to finish this reprehensible creature off............" (Y/n) insisted, as Thoros came to stand by her side. The tip of his own blade now a mere breath away from hers. The two turning to look at one another. One word leaving their lips in unison.

"Together." The man's head taken from his body, as the word was uttered. (Y/n)'s sword dropping from her hand, as she found herself swept into Thoros arms. His lips crashing into hers, as the pair stood in the middle of the chaos.

"Thoros............" (Y/n) managed to gasp, as his lips moved from hers and made their way to her neck.

"As much as I really don't want you to stop what you are doing. Perhaps we could find more salubrious surroundings to continue this in?" The lady continued. Thoros reluctantly moving away and surveying the scene. The priest having to admit that the six corpses did really put a dampener on things. Thoros straightening himself before offering (Y/n) his arm.

"Would you like to accompany me on a short walk, Lady Dondarrion?" Thoros chuckled, as (Y/n) looped her arm around his.

"I would like that very much, thank you Thoros..............."

"And perhaps if we do find somewhere a little more salubrious, I will be able to tell ya that I love you. And................."

"And...............?" (Y/n) pushed, as she smiled at him.

"And........perhaps we can discuss more about you moaning for me." Thoros replied, with a chuckle.

"Oh, my dear priest. It would be my pleasure." The lady answered. The two making their way further into the woods. Both hoping that Beric wouldn't come looking for them anytime soon. And they would be able to get the chance to show one another how much they truly cared. 

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