You love her. Don't you? - Part 2 - Theon x Reader

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(Y/n) had done her best to try and avoid Theon for the last few days. It wasn't that she wanted to, it was just that she had grown tired of the way he had begun to treat her. How their simple, playful arguments and teasing had turned into something much more serious. At least on Theon's part. She had grown tired of his snide remarks about her thinking that she could be a warrior. About her soulmate expecting to get a lady, not a wild animal. And how she would leave her home, and her family when the mark finally appeared.

(Y/n) got up from her bed, dragging a fur with her as she moved to sit near the window. Her eyes looking out onto Winterfell. The great castle, the home of her ancestors, glistening in the light of the large moon that illuminated the night sky. It was at times like this that (Y/n) knew there was no more beautiful place than her home. That she knew that she didn't care to see Kings Landing, The Reach, or Dorne. That she didn't want an ostentatious Lannister, Tyrell, or Martell as her soulmate. She wanted a good man. A simple man. A man that had been brought up in the north and knew their ways. She wanted an Ironborn. She wanted a Kraken. She wanted Theon.

From the moment that the Ironborn prince had arrived in Winterfell, (Y/n) had loved Theon. There was something about the youngest son of King Balon. He was insecure, weak, unsure. And despite her tender years, (Y/n) had promised herself that she would look after the older boy. Following him around so much, that the rest of the family had joked that she was his shadow.

As they grew older, Theon would complain. Tell her to leave him alone. Tell her not to follow him. But if (Y/n) disappeared for even an hour, Theon would come and find her. Would pretend that he was annoyed, stating that she was always where he wanted to go, before taking a seat next to her.

As they had grown even more, their teasing and arguments had begun. The pair enjoying their verbal stoushes. Enjoying standing toe to toe. Their chests pressed up against one another's as they did their best to outdo the other.

Looking into one another's eyes as (Y/n) longed to take him into her arms and tell him how she felt. But (Y/n) had never got the chance. And now she feared that she never would.

She looked down at her wrist. A tear rolling down her cheek as she contemplated what was to come when she celebrated her name day, the next day. She knew to most women it was a time to celebrate. A time to look forward to all the things that were possible with their soulmate. But for (Y/n) it meant nothing but having to leave. Having to leave Winterfell, her family. But especially Theon.

"Please Father, Mother, Maiden. Please don't let there be a mark. I don't want anyone else but Theon. And if it is anything but a Kraken and his name that appears, I will not marry. I will defy you. Defy tradition, and everything that is expected of me. I will not leave my prince." (Y/n) told the heavens, as she looked out onto the snowy expanse beyond her home. The she wolf weeping as she scratched at the skin where she knew that the mark would eventually appear.


Theon sat in the seat underneath his window. Looking out onto the large moon that lit the castle and its surroundings. He couldn't sleep. He hoped that the longer he stayed awake, the less likely the next day was to come. He dreaded the sunrise like he had never done before. For the new day meant that he would love the woman he loved. He would lose his she wolf. He would lose (Y/n).

He knew that she had been avoiding him since their last argument. He knew that he had been cruel, and vile. That he had no right to say those things. But he knew that he wasn't lucky enough to be her soulmate. Wasn't lucky enough to have the kraken and his name appear on her wrist at her name day celebrations. And this knowledge had pushed him to make her want to hate him, so that their separation would seem like a relief to her.

From the moment he had arrived in Winterfell as Ned's hostage, because of his father's failed rebellion against to Iron Throne. Theon had love (Y/n). Even though they were nothing more than babes when they met, there was something in her big, beautiful eyes that made him feel safe. Something about the way that she had walked up to him, and taken his hand, that made him feel as though he belonged, despite his initial precarious position. There was something about her smile, and the way that she would follow him, that made him feel as though he had someone that would always be there. But with the next days celebrations, he knew that he would lose all that.

Robb, and especially Jon, had been taking great delight in teasing him about being in love with their sister. And despite his protests, Theon knew that the only person that he was lying to, was himself. He had escaped the castle, gone out into the villages looking for the favours of young women. But as they had sat on his lap. As he had kissed them. All he could see was (Y/n)'s face. All he could think of was losing her to someone that didn't deserve her. Someone that didn't know her like he did. Would never truly appreciate what, and who, the she wolf was.

He knew that he shouldn't have embarrassed her in front of Jory and the other men at their last argument. He knew that he had only done it because he was jealous. He knew that he was not the only man in Winterfell to have his eyes firmly set on the oldest daughter of the Lord of the north. He had seen the captain of Ned's guard grow closer and closer to (Y/n). Watched angrily as she and Jory would practice. As he would help her from the ground if she fell. How he would help brush her down and push stray hairs back behind her ears. The Kraken growing more and more jealous with every share look between the two.

Theon knew that if Jory's name, and the heads of ten wolves appeared on (Y/n)'s wrist, then there was nothing that he could do. But that didn't mean that he had to like it.

"Drowned God. If you are looking down on me, please hear my prayer. When the sun rises, and the celebrations begin. Make it my name that appears on (Y/n)'s wrist. Make it the mighty Kraken that adorns her flawless skin. Make it me that she will love for the rest of our days." Theon beseeched as he looked at the sky. The Ironborn prince wiping away a single tear that rolled down his cheek as he leant against the window frame and thought about what was to come.   

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