The treasure of the Twins - Part 2 - Roose x Reader

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"So? What do you think?" Walda asked nervously, as she sat in her sister's rooms, watching as her younger sibling arranged some of her belongings on the table in front of a large mirror.

"What do I think of what?" (Y/n) replied, not really taking much notice of the anxious looking pregnant woman.

"What do you think of my husband?" Walda enquired, jumping slightly as (Y/n) suddenly turned to look at her.

Walda knew that much like their grandfather, (Y/n) was quite unashamed and prolific with her desires, catching more than her fair share of men's eyes, both of noble and non-noble birth. And whereas other ladies may be looked down on for pandering to their needs, Walden seemed perfectly happy to allow (Y/n) to freely indulge in, and enjoy, anything or anyone that her heart desired; and thanks to her grandfather doting on her, (Y/n) had been allowed to go anywhere, and was not held back like all of the other Frey women.

A part of Walda couldn't help but hate (Y/n), but when all was said and done, she was still her sister, and even though Walda had seen how Roose had looked at (Y/n), she couldn't help but feel thankful that her sister was by her side.

"I have not had time to truly form an opinion of your husband, although there is most certainly something about him. But Ramsay, Ramsay is most definitely interesting." (Y/n) chuckled, Walda letting out a sigh of relief as it appeared that (Y/n)'s eye had fallen on the son rather than the father.

(Y/n) turned, her eyes falling on her sister as she feigned fixing her hair in the mirror. (Y/n) couldn't pretend that she had any real love for her sister, the two of them were so different, (Y/n) always finding Walda tediously dull, and quite simple. But being in her sister's presence, was certainly proving to have unexpected benefits.

(Y/n) had been angry at her grandfather when she had returned to The Twins, the information that Walda of all the girls in the family had been able to attract to eye of the lord of the Dreadfort, annoying the otherwise cool and calm (Y/n); but when Walder had informed her of the monetary incentive behind the marriage, she had been able to understand why Roose Bolton had chosen her older sister, and couldn't help but chuckle at the idea of the strange pairing. (Y/n) of course knew of the Bolton's, but until the door of her carriage had opened, she had only heard the rumours, rumours that had both intrigued, and excited her. And now that she had seen the two men, (Y/n) knew that she had to have them, both of them, and she didn't care what she had to do to get them.

"Well, I believe that we should be joining your husband and Ramsay for dinner." (Y/n) said, smiling as she offered her sister her arm, the two women making their way down the corridors to the great hall.


Ramsay and Roose sat on the other side of the table, the two men watching (Y/n)'s every move. Neither of them could help but stare at her every subtle gesture, at her every furtive glance. At the way she licked and bit onto her bottom lip, and how her fingers brushed across the artfully exposed tops of her breasts, each movement having its intended reaction on the Bolton men. And they both knew that she was doing it all on purpose.

As they had walked (Y/n) through Winterfell earlier that day, the younger Frey had, even without saying a word, made it quite clear what her intentions were while she was forced to endure the company of her sister, and now the race was on to see which one of them would be the one lucky enough to claim the prize first.

When they had finally been forced by Walda to let (Y/n) go, Roose had made it quite clear to Ramsay, that despite his current married status, he wasn't going to let his son, or his pregnant wife, stop him from taking advantage of this new, and extremely interesting turn of events. And now as (Y/n) excused herself from the dinner table, claiming that she was exhausted from her journey, Roose couldn't help but hope that he would be able to make his own excuses without his bride becoming suspicious of his true intentions.


(Y/n) sat in her chamber, the brush moving effortlessly through her long, dark brown hair as she waited for one of the men to arrive. She knew that she would not have to wait long, that sooner or later one of them would be knocking on her door, and she couldn't really pretend that she minded which one it was, given the fact that by the time her sister had produced the new Bolton heir, (Y/n) would have made sure that both Bolton men were fully under her spell.

"Come in." (Y/n) called out, a small wicked smile crossing her lips as the door slowly creaked open, her breath catching in her throat as she waited to see which one of the Bolton men she would have the pleasure of first.

"My Lord Bolton. How may I help you?" (Y/n) asked innocently, as she rose from her chair, Roose watching as she glided over to the bed, her thin nightgown leaving nothing to the imagination.

"Why were you not at The Twins when your grandfather told me to choose?" Roose asked, as he quickly walked over to (Y/n), dropping to his knees as he took (Y/n)'s hand in his, gently kissing the heels of her palms.

"Unlike other ladies, my movements are not restricted by my family. Indeed, grandfather encourages me to see, and indulge in, all our world has to offer. But I think that even if I had been with the other granddaughters that day, you would still have chosen Walda. Afterall the match has made you very rich, and indeed is providing you with a new heir, I don't believe that I would have been able to make you quite so happy, or wealthy. And as much as I want you, and Ramsay, I certainly have no intention of tying myself to either you or your son, permanently. But that said, I most certainly am not going to make things easy for you." (Y/n) scoffed, as she stood up abruptly, almost pushing Roose away, (Y/n) knowing that each and every word and movement she made was tormenting the elder Bolton.

"What do you want? Do you want me to send your sister away? Make you the lady of both the Dreadfort and Winterfell? If you want it, all you have to do is ask." Roose growled, as he got to his feet, pulling (Y/n) into his arms, the feel of her body against his, having more than the desired effect on Roose.

"I don't need any of that. And even my grandfather, as much as he loves me, would frown upon me if I were to break your marriage to my sister. No, Roose. I want something that you will never give my sister. I want you, body and soul. I want you to show me every cruel, wicked, evil little desire that your heart as ever had. Every lust filled dream, every dark forbidden need. I want it all, whenever I see fit. And I want Ramsay too, my needs require more than one man to satisfy them, even if that man is you." (Y/n) told him, Roose moaning loudly as he felt her hand move inside his breeches, her warm touch driving him insane.

"Anything. Anything. I'll give you anything you want; but first I get you." Roose snarled, as he picked (Y/n) up, throwing her onto the bed as he ripped at his own shirt. (Y/n) licking her lips as he climbed on top of her.

"Then, my lord. Take what you want."  

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