Kill for you - Part 3 - Euron x Reader

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"You look beautiful." Euron growled seductively into his sister's ear, as he came up behind her. The Lord of the Salt Throne placing his arms on either side of her. His hands gripping at the railings, preventing her from escaping. Not that (Y/n) had any desire to. She was exactly where she wanted to be. At the prow of the Silence, in the arms of its captain. The two greatest pirates to ever sail the seas, looking out over the vast expanse of water that spread out before them. The pair feeling as if they were flying, as the great ship cut through the waves.

"Only beautiful? I was hoping that you would tell me that I looked perfect, ravishing, exquisite.........Perhaps my brother no longer loves me as he did?" (Y/n) replied. A small chuckle leaving her lips, as Euron pushed her up against the railings, his body now pressed firmly up against hers. It obvious from the rock hard cock that was now forced up against her backside, that that question couldn't be further from the truth. It clear Euron needed her, wanted her as much as he always had.

"You are more glorious than anything I have ever laid eyes on. You are more wonderful and mysterious than the Jade Sea. More sought after than the Hidden Sea. More dangerous than the Shivering Sea in winter. And more feared than Smoking Sea. How could I not love you, (Y/n)? How could I not want you? For me, you are all fourteen of the seas personified. And each one of them I get to conquer, when I conquer you. Each one I can say that I am the master of, because I have you. And no one, is ever going to take you from me. No one." Euron told her. His hand brushing away the hair from her neck, so that he could kiss her flesh.

"Is that what you told the Lannister whore, brother? Did you tell her that she was the seas? Did you tell her that you wished to conquer her?" (Y/n) enquired, as she turned in her brother's arms. The older kraken groaning lewdly, as he felt her hand rub firmly over his throbbing manhood. Euron's eyes rolling backwards in his head, as she took his hand, and slipped one of his rough fingers into her mouth. The Ironborn princess slowly sucking on it, before she continued to speak.

"Ser Jaime told me nothing like that, the night he came to my rooms. He merely told me that I was the most stunning woman to ever have graced Kings Landing with her presence. That I was more magnificent than any other." (Y/n) continued. A small smirk coming to her lips, as her brother's eyes flew open. As she saw the murderous look. The lady always getting a thrill out of seeing her brother jealous. Of pushing him just that little further than anyone else would dare.

"He came to your room..........? When...........? I should have killed him.........I knew I should have killed him...........!"

"He came to my room several times. Each time hoping that he could seduce me. Each time wanting to see more of me. To have what so many others have been denied. And perhaps I would have given in to the pretty lion, if it weren't for one thing................."

"Which is.............?" Euron asked, as he thrust a hand into her hair and gripped her head tightly. His other hand stopping (Y/n)'s from moving from his hard cock. The Ironborn helping his sister to rub the engorged member, more firmly. His heavy breath catching in the wind, as she whispered into his ear.

"The love I have for my brother. The fact that I only want you to know what it is to conquer me. That I only want you to be the master of the seas. The Golden Lion was charming, there is no denying that, but he is no Ironborn. And there is only one Ironborn that is good enough for this lady. Only one that is good enough to make me his. My beautiful brother. The King of Salt and Rock. The Son of the Sea Winds. The Lord Reaper of Pyke." (Y/n) explained. Euron pulling her even closer. The sea wind now not even able to push between the two krakens.

"And there is only one woman that I want. Only one woman that could ever tame this Ironborn. Only one woman that could make me fall to my knees. Only one woman that could make me beg. That I would be happy to kill and die for. My beautiful, perfect, ravishing, exquisite sister. The Queen of the Towers of Pyke. The Daughter of the Drowned God. The Lady of the Iron Islands." Euron retorted, as he brushed his cheek against (Y/n)'s. His sister letting out a needy moan, as he held her tight. The warmth of his body chasing away the cold of the cutting winds. The scent of him making her mind race. Making her think of all the nights they had spent together. Of all the things that they would do in their bed. What they had done in every other room in the castle and towers that stood atop the eroded stone stacks of Pyke. Of the pain and pleasure that they would celebrate together. The two krakens knowing that there was only one thing that they needed, as they moved so that they could look into one another's eye. Only one thing that they had ever needed and would ever need. Each other.

"Come below, my much as I have no qualms about taking you here and now in front of the crew. Of bending you over this railing and fucking you until you scream out my name, I have something a little special in mind for us. Something that will require time and some privacy. But perhaps we can try fucking on the deck another time." Euron chuckled, as he offered (Y/n) his arm and led her down the steps. The two krakens disappearing from the deck, both knowing that this little something special would last all the way back to Lordsport, and probably beyond. Both knowing that until their dying day, each would kill and die for the other. 

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