thirty five | foolish tiff

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"Like there," She pointed. "A garden, I'd place a garden right there. I'd grow sunflowers, roses--" She looked over at Tremaine smiling. "And then on the other side I'd grow my vegetables, squash, potatoes, carrots, beets, cause we need to eat healthy, fresh, home grown foods, not that artificial crap,"

"We? Who's we?" Tremaine asked.

"Me and my babies of course, three, two girls and boy. And one of my girls would be the oldest, If she's anything like her momma? She's definitely going to know how to protect her siblings," She smiled lost utterly in her daydreaming. "So there I'd place their swing set, sandbox, and toys, because though they'll miss out on city living, they'll definitely get the full experience of a playground and park,"

"Yeah? And where is your husband gone be?" Tremaine tossed his arm around her shoulder as thee two of them swung slowly back and forth.

"What's that?" Stevie laughed.

"Somebody helped you create them three babies, Stevie," He chuckled.

Stevie scuffed as she laughed, shrugging she clicked her tongue a few times. "Ever heard of a insemination, sperm donor it's 2022? I don't need a man, but, if I must have one of those, I guess I'll put him... There all the way over there. Because I don't want my babies inhaling all those fumes, exhaust smoke and shit, because my husband is definitely going to be under the hood of some car, cause' he's going to be intrigued with classic cars, definitely, one that we'll argue about him buying for weeks, just for him to end up buying it anyways. And he'll spend the weekend working on it to fix it up, in order to take me and our babies on a drive up the countryside," She shivered all over with elation and anticipation at the thoughts of what could be.

Stevie rested in Tremaine's side, as she happily patted his thigh. "And I'll be the prettiest, dramatic housewife there is. And I'll come out onto the porch to bring my husband a glass of my special strawberry tea, after slaving over a hot stove, not because I have to, in my marriage cooking and cleaning well not be gender labeled and instead an equal responsibility of both of us. But because I decided to be nice and cook for the night, and he comes to give me two kisses, one for me being pretty and the other for me being the prettiest wife he's ever had, and then he'll beckon our babies up on the porch to wash up for dinner,"

"What's their names?" He inquired as he lifted his hand to lightly scratch the back of her head, while idly toying with the small curls on her hairline.

"Don't steal my babies names for your kids in the future, Tremaine. But they'll be Sage, Storm and Salem, Sage will be my baby boy, Salem is the oldest and Storm is the middle child, yes I want a houseful of S named babies, yes," She laughed.

"I like it," Tremaine smiled. "I like the idea, that's a nice ass depiction of your future, Stevie. I can see it,"

''Yeah well what a nice daydream right? Cause it'll never happen," She exhaled saddened as she bent to pick her wine glass up to take a sip.

"Why not?"

"Because, I'm twenty eight, I wanted all that done before I was thirty or at least by the time I was thirty. And the way my life is going? I don't see babies or marriage in my future any time soon, so, mm, oh, the lamb!" She tapped his thigh before she stood up hurrying back into the house.

Tremaine sat there for a moment, raking his hand through his sideburns. He grabbed his glass up and stood up following her back into the house.

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