Chapter 1

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What's Next ?

Back in the Throne Room where Anubis, Momonga are still in a state of shock when they heard one of their NPC named Albedo spoke to them.

After a few seconds of processing that a NPC is talking back to them, Anubis decide to breaks the silence.

Anubis: "No, everything is fine Albedo, it just we felt a sudden shift."

Albedo: "Ah! If there's any problem, please, let me help!."

Anubis: "Of course Albedo, ill keep that in mind."

With that comment from Anubis towards Albedo which makes her happy and have a light pink blush, and her black feathered wings to flap a little bit.

Then Anubis and Momonga mentally connect and both of them could have a conversation between them.

Momonga: "Thank you, Anubis. I was so confuse and not ready for this."

Anubis: "Of course, Momonga. But there is really something wrong."

Momonga: "What should be our next move then."

Anubis: "First we must determine, if we are still in the game and the loyalty of our NPC's."

Momonga: "Yes but how...?."

Momonga: "...Sebas."

Sebas: "Lord."

Momonga: "Is it okay for me to give them orders...?

Anubis: "You have must support Momonga."

Momonga: "Of course. Sebas, step out of the Great Tomb and confirm the surrounding of Nazarick."

Sebas: "By your command, my lord. I'll return."

Then Sebas left the the throne to carry out his mission and then next Momonga gives orders to the Pleiades as well.

Momonga: "Pleiades, I want you in the ninth floor. If anyone tries to trespass, deal with them."

Yuri: "As you wish, my lord. It will be done."

Momonga: (In Thought) "They even recognize, response commands that aren't native to the game...What in the world is this going on?...Huh?."

Albedo: (Smiling) "so Lord Anubis, Lord Momonga?."

Anubis: "Ah, yes Albedo."

Albedo: "Do you have any orders for me to obey?."

Anubis: "Yes we do, Albedo. Momonga, if you wish you can go on ahead to the 6th Floor Amphitheatre. while I'll finish here.

Momonga: "Ah, yeah. It does give me time to test my power a bit."

Once that was said from Momonga, he had teleported away from the throne room to 6th Floor, leaving Anubis and Albedo alone in the throne room.

Anubis: "Albedo can you please come closer to me."

Albedo: "Sure!."

Then Albedo swiftly rushed towards Anubis, surprising him by her speed. But he quickly recovers and continues his calm posture.

Anubis: "(Wow! She smells great! Wait, smell...?! There was never a function like that in Yggdrasil!)...Albedo, may I touch you?."

Albedo: "Yes...Ahh."

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