Chapter 26: Protostar

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It was a beautiful Fall day in Narnia.

Everyone was celebrating what they knew was soon to occur: the King and Queen of the Stars would return to Narnia to help rule once more. All of Narnia had each mentally received instructions directly from the Goddess Lilliandil, and as such were gathered in the Throne Room to await the starting spectacle.

Suddenly, the stained glass windows of the Throne Room shimmered and faded, dissipating into stardust that floated down onto the crowds of Talking Animals and Nobles from far and wide. In the starways beyond, a comet could be seen streaking through the skies, and waves of audible awe flowed through the room. None knew the full truth- that it was the Comet Observatory ran by a Fractal Rosalina, courtesy of Lilliandil- but everyone knew the significance of the sight: they were arriving. All could feel the magic in the air as the room filled with stardust, swirling around majestically before illuminating all present in the brilliant Blue glow everyone knew and loved.

Lilith and Peter, High Queen and High King of Narnia, sat together on their Thrones as they watched the grand entrance unfold. Both of their gazes were at once regal and excited.

The crowds erupted in cheers as Lilliandil and David, the Goddess and God of the Cosmos, the High Queen and King of the Stars, emerged from the shining, swirling light into Narnia. The stained glass windows behind them rematerialized and changed to depict the recent happenings, from Lilith's rise as High Queen to David slaying Dovah to the Battle of Shatterlight.

The Star-Blessed's smiles were as radiant as they were, dressed in celestial garb gifted from the stars. After some of the applause settled, they too settled into their Thrones, and the Four Thrones were all filled once again.

The Star Festival was officially underway.


"How long's it been in your time?" Lilliandil asked Lilith as the four walked the halls in pairs, with her next to Lilith and David walking next to Peter.

"About a year," Lilith answered with a smile. "Autumn's first birthday is coming up soon."

"How is she, anyway?" David asked with a palpable excitement, missing Peter's warm gaze towards him. "How's our girl? Can I see her?"

The Radiant High Queen laughed. "Of course you can, Sweet. Since the children's bedrooms are away from all the commotion, it will also serve as a respite from the festivities."

"Speaking of the festivities, did you guys pull this off?" David asked. "It's all very well done, and- very appreciated."

"Being a Goddess sometimes has its perks after all," Lilith playfully answered with a raised eyebrow and a smile that practically made David melt inside. "Actually, it was Lilliandil's idea, we did all the coordinating mentally from across the universe."

"Call it a consolation for our birthday celebration being cut short," the Star Goddess added to David with a light touch to his back.

"I think I can speak for the both of us when I say we're just glad you're back," Peter voiced, genuinely. "It's nice to see you, David. You too, Lilliandil."

David nodded and Lilliandil smiled. "Thank you, Peter," she answered as the four turned a corner towards their chambers. "How have things been? With...the two of you? With Narnia?"

"It's been- or was- tough," Peter began, "but...there's love and trust now, and..."

"And I'm all the happier for it," Lilith added, smiling as she caressed his back.

Peter returned the smile before continuing, "And Narnia has been...well...Narnia! The usual land filled with magic and currently filled with peace- Oreius even mentioned recently that there's been no word from the Stars, no omens, no foreshadowing, nothing."

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