Chapter 15: Guilty Party

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Music, and a song: "Experience" by Ludovico Einaudi

Lilith gazed down the long feasting table that next early afternoon. The Kitchens must have outdone themselves- the table was full, lined with her usual favourites and exotic, untried gifts from guests of the Ball. Some of the previous nights' decorations remained, sky blue and snow white glistening with the warm reflections from the various lit candles.

The sun streamed through the stained glass windows, casting a multitude of colours across the room that would, without fail, make her son beam with delight whenever he entered- In which he did so frequently, as he had eaten his fill and now 'rode' around and around the table, in and out of the room on his pretend stick Unicorn. He declared loudly, abruptly and often, with a raise of his wooden sword, 'For Narnia! '.

Both Lilith and Mrs Beaver had given up settling him for the remainder of the dinner.

"He's a child." Lilith had finally sighed in defeat, but her eyes had shone with love, "We'll let him play."

Around her sat trusted alliances that had stayed, despite the Ball ending the previous night. Some had come from places she'd never heard of, places she longed to and knew she could visit someday. Each had taken their turns to tell their own captivating stories- every one seemed to have a tale that made her gasp, tear up, laugh or all in turn.

Amongst them, she watched her jovial, loyal friends and Courtiers, her stunning, otherworldly Queen of the Stars, her beautiful, carefree son and infant daughter, and her ever Incredible husband.

This gathering was not one of formality, but of love.

This was the heart of her Kingdom, together and beating, laughing and feasting as one, and the High Queen's own heart soared beyond simply smiling at the sight, and so she smiled and stood.

She heard the affable chatter and flowing tales siphon into a respectful, expectant silence before she could so much as reach forward and tap her glass.
"I ought to have prepared for this." Lilith admitted aloud. She was not ashamed by the quiet chuckles she heard, but warmed and comforted. "I seemed to have waited for the perfect time, and all the perfect people to be present... how could this be any more perfect?"

But as she gazed down the table again, encompassed in the feeling that is only felt in the presence of souls that know and understand your own, a small part of her whispered– Peter.

She swallowed, and her smile only flickered for a second. She looked to her more unfamiliar guests. "To our neighbours present, thank you. Not just for your allegiance, your trade and your trust- but for being here. For the journey here, your time, your kind gifts and dances- and for your unavoidable journey home. In thanks and in hope to make it as comfortable as possible, travel packs and other gifts have been prepared. I'll personally see them distributed on your departure. We've valued your patience and adherence to our agreements in the recent past and uncertain times more than I can express. Know that Narnia will always keep true to its word and will always be here should a friend need."

"The Council of Cair Paravel..." Lilith didn't feel as though she was looking around at simply wise-folk and advisors, but extended family. "I could never question any of your loyalties again. I... can't quite elucidate the happenings of the past few months... not to the extent that I wish to be able to... but know that I will always, always be grateful to those that continued their duty and upheld their discretion- and to those who stood beside both David and Lilliandil. You're as much pillars of this Kingdom as David, Lilliandil and I, truly, each one of you. I will do everything that I can so that I must never keep such happenings from you again, and to that I give my word."

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