I. Give me your loneliness and I'll give you mine

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[7 years ago]

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[7 years ago]


"i'm quicker than you at reading," namjoon bragged, sitting atop the last beanbag. the other boy scoffed and nudged namjoon's quote unquote chair. "its true, min."

"no it's not! i'm reading chapter books now so i'm better than you." yoongi stuck his tongue out at namjoon. for a seven year old, pretty normal, but yoongi was a developed and mature kid.

"yoongi! we don't stick out our tongues, ok? say sorry to namjoon." the school librarian said. at the age of seven, namjoon and yoongi didn't realise how differently they were treated or how thin the line was for them. they behaved and were given awards and so on and so forth but with the image of being good, something that isn't so bad for other people was a lot worse for them. they didn't realise that no other kid would be told off for sticking their tongues out, even lightly.

namjoon laughed at yoongi and kicked him down to the floor not realising that the librarian was watching.

"haha nyumjun," yoongi said teasingly, "you have to stay there for all of playtime!"

"ok that's enough of you two!" the teacher watching namjoon exclaimed. "yoongi, you have time out too, go stand on that wall over there!" yoongi gasped and his face crumpled with tears. he glared at namjoon and stomped over to the wall the teacher pointed at, upset and angry at his enemy.

[present time]

namjoon groaned as he awoke to the sound of someone tripping over things in the living room: his daily alarm. he yawned and picked at the dried up drool around his mouth, grabbing his phone to see a text from three minutes ago.

angry kitten 🙄
good morning, if you dont get up ur gonna be late, lazy ass koala

and koalas aren't lazy, they preserve energy
good morning to you too, min
[message deleted]

namjoon sighed to himself, dragging his body out of bed and towards the kitchen where his breakfast awaited him. as he entered the room, the man making all of the noise froze, obviously new to the game of fucking namjoon's mother. namjoon squinted his eyes at the man, judging him and his mother's choices. he shook his head and continued to the kitchen where he poured his dog's food.

"my father will be on his way from work in 20 minutes, he takes 14 to 25 minutes to get home. what i am saying is, would you like some breakfast?" the man stuttered, watching some kid speak more eloquently than he ever could at 5:28 in the morning.

"sure...? about your... mother, we're just friends and uh-"

"shut up. heard enough of you two last night. actually, you know what? i'm out. you're a grown man, make your own food. see you mate," namjoon got up and left to his room, slamming the door behind him.

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