Chapter #14

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I got to where we agreed to meet at least 20 minutes late,but to my surprise he was already there just waiting,with his phone in his hand,and his head held down,not a cigarette in sight,to be perfectly honest I thought he'd have a pile full besides his feet but he didn't,not even one.

I walked up to him,and sat down. From the look of his face,he was beyond worried,he was terrified. I looked him in the eyes and told him,it was all going to be okay,he didn't believe me but he agreed.

"Right,what can we do?" I asked.

"Accept my fate" he said with his head in his hands.

"Seriously" I asked.

"Of course not,I really don't want to be with her,God I despise her,for the way she treated you,for the way she treats me,for everything" he cried,not literally but his voice sounds like it was on the ropes.

"Why did she come to my house though?" I asked.

He froze. "She-she came to your house?" He asked. "Why?" He followed up with.

So if he didn't know why she pulled up to my house and I don't know why she pulled up to my house then why did she.

"It doesn't matter,right now anyways. We gotta figure out a way to figure this OUT" I screamed waving my hands slightly around to which made him shush me,wow rude.

"Okay I gotta talk to Safa about this" I said,as I hit my hand lightly against the wall.

"Of course" he said,rolling his eyes. I turned towards him,with my head still on the wall.

"What do you mean 'of course' " I asked,with exclamation marks around the of course.

"You guys tell each other everyone,just a bit annoying" he said,kissing his teeth.

"Damn you don't have someone,to tell everything too" I asked.

"I feel bad for you" I said,a bit dramatically.

"I don't need no one,I got me and uh you,if you'll have me" he said,then asked.

"Have you? Boy we aren't dating-" I laughed.

"Nah you know what I mean" he said,with a little smirk on his face.

"And uhh maybe get round to teaching about Islam like you said" he asked,still with that ridiculous smirk on his face.

"Ugh,sure" I agreed,as I got up from the ground.

"Text me" I said,walking away.

As I got to the end of the road I pulled out my phone,and dialled Safa's number,it had been a long day and I needed to talk to her about this.
I rang her,multiple times only for her to ignore me,it was a little annoying till I walked passed the cafe she was in with VICTORIA? I went from slightly annoyed to completely infuriated. I felt like ripping both their heads off,Victoria first of course. I felt angry,but more so betrayed,she was meant to be my best friend and she's having coffee with her,I was almost convinced that Victoria had it out to take over my life,maybe she was jealous,she had been taking everything I've been wanting lately.

I did contemplate barging into that cafe but to be quite honest,I was scared,scared that I would walk into that place, and for everything I feared to be true so I walked away,head down,pockets in my hand,and AirPods turned up.

I had never felt so betrayed.


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