Chapter #8

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I walked a couple of steps in front of him as he dragged his feet along,complaining every 2 minutes.

"Shut up,Xavier" I shouted,slowing down my pace allowing him to catch up a little.

This isn't some secluded area that has some deep meaning,instead it's a cute little picnic area me and Safa discovered on our walk home back in year 7 when we were just a couple of 11 year olds,we don't visit there often except when we need some peace and quite and that's exactly what we need to get this work finally done.

I came up to the spot and turned around to face Xavier with my head waving.

"Heaven" I said,beaming with laughter.

He looked around,almost inspecting the place and made a seat towards the first tree he saw,a bit like I did 7 years ago. He took his MacBook and book out and immediately began writing. I sat a few spaces away from him and did exactly the same.

"So what do you have so far" I asked peering over his work,only to see a blank page.

He didn't reply.

"Wait you were ready to rip my head off for coming a little late and you haven't EVEN STARTED?" I yelled the end.

He gave me a tired look and simply replied "Calm down I was waiting for you to start so I could build up ideas"

Well fair enough,we certainly work better as a team,building and creating off each others work.

I shrugged my shoulders and muttered a low "fair enough" and brought his MacBook closer to me to read the title. 'Is poverty the UK's biggest killer'.

Upon seeing simply the title I immediately nodded my head in agreement.

"Of course it is,and it's the governments fault" I ended,to which Xavier brought his head up in immediate disagreement.

"You're wrong" he said,with no further explanation whatsoever.

I gave him a bewildered look.

"You can't just say I'm wrong tell me why" I replied. "And also must you disagree with everything I say" I asked.

He nodded his head,with a slight smile on his face

"If I was to agree with everything you say,you may just get a little big headed,in other words,I just humble you enough" he replied.

I rolled my eyes,hard,hard enough to hurt. "Tell me why you disagree Xavier" I said,with a somewhat serious tone to my voice,to dominate the conversation.

"Well,the government offers many facilitates to help people out of poverty,they simply choose to ignore it,however the resources towards addiction is low,next to none,which heightens the risk of it increasing,in addition the one addicted holds next to no responsibility towards their problem as it was something they were forced too" he ended.

He did make good points,however I felt I needed to humble his egoistic opinions and that's exactly what I did.

After 35 minutes of intense arguing,Xavier gave in,and we decided to agree with the statement,considering my points were stronger I wasn't particularly surprised,we took some time to write it all up,but before we knew it,it was 4pm and time for me to go home. I got up and before I comprehended what had happen I fell face first into the ground,my legs were dead.

Before I pulled my hands from the ground,I heard a storm of laughter,was it really that funny? I brushed the dirt from my hands only to notice a small piece of glass in my hand,it had been lodged so deep into my hand that I didn't notice it at first,but the pain began to commence,and blood was dripping. I winced in pain,and held my hand out to him.

His smile dropped,and he got up to help me. He grabbed my hand and yanked me up,the pain clouded my mind. He grabbed my hand and pulled a little something from his pocket as well as a little bottle of liquor,he took a piece of some sort of fluff and dabbed some alcohol on it then cleaned my wound as I squirmed the entire time.

He held a strong grip on my hand,and didn't let me go,when he knew I was okay,he finally released his hand,and looked into my eyes,my heart beat grew,along with my guilt,I knew what I was doing wasn't exactly right,so I pulled away,as a tiny wince escaped from my lips,and I began walking away,which only left him confused.

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Read my new mafia book : Mismatched.

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