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[tw: nsfw! ik you waited for this]
ಣ 🐅⊹ 🗝️ っ🎧 ✧ ☕️ ഒ 🎰

when harry woke up he didn't even need to open his eyes to know that louis was next to him. the older man was still asleep, softly snoring while spooning harry from behind. their legs were entangled and harry could feel louis' toned abs against his back.

he turned around and was now face to face with louis. the younger admired the sleeping man's face and all the little details that he usually wouldn't have the time to discover.

louis had a mole on his cheek and one on the side of his neck. harry softly brushed over them with his fingers. louis frowned a bit in his sleep causing harry to giggle quietly. however louis didn't wake up, only scrunched his nose and sighed before his face relaxed again.

"how dare you steal my heart like that, louis tomlinson?" harry asked and then chuckled, booping louis' nose.

"actually i think i like you, quite a lot," he whispered. he knew louis couldn't hear him but he was talking more to himself anyways. "but shhh." he hummed and put his finger in front of his lips, almost as to silence louis who was still fast asleep.

when the older male woke up about an hour later, harry was still laying next to him. just to make sure, he questioned and tested louis to see if maybe he had just pretended to be asleep but louis seemed very innocent. harry smiled, he was glad louis hadn't heard him. if harry was to ever confess whatever kind of feelings he had towards louis, it wouldn't be like that.

the next few weeks passed by within the blink of an eye. harry now joined deaken and louis on the usual, every friday and saturday. it was still not as much work as the other members did but harry just couldn't do more as he also had his job as the ceo to deal with.

everyone around him seemed to notice that harry got a bit more stressed overtime. so this was why one day johnny took him to the side.

"hey haz, are you alright?" the older male asked.

"yeah, it's just a lot going on..." harry trailed off and rubbed his temples, trying to get rid of the stress.
(an: let louis suck it off of you 🙄)

"i'm sorry. look it's fine if you take a step back! really!" johnny smiled and patted his back.

"thanks johnny." harry mumbled and leaned into the man's side. johnny gave him a big hug which honestly harry needed right now. he felt the other petting his hair so he slightly rubbed his cheek into johnny's chest causing the man to laugh.

"that tickled." johnny chuckled.

"oh, sorry." harry said timidly. he separated from johnny and then went back to the others.

today was a big mission and lot of people, including johnny, were going. harry wasn't and he felt a bit guilty but luke had calmed him down saying that harry would be much of use when tired and stressed.

louis wasn't going either and speaking of the man, harry could feel his burning stares on his back. he was curious as to why which he would later get an answer to.

for now he bid goodbye to the members, it was about twenty of them going. they were apparently raiding a smaller mafia so that was why so many members were needed. only a few stayed behind, most of them either going down to the basement to practice or watching tv with leo and val.

suddenly louis pulled him to the side and dragged him into their room. harry was caught of guard so he just let louis guide him, being completely confused about what was happening and why it was happening.

"why did johnny hug you like that?" louis scowled.

"what do mean? he was just being nice!" harry replied. he was angry. yeah, louis was allowed to get jealous, sure. but not at such trivial things and johnny hugging him and petting his hair. the older boy had always done this, it was a sign of affection, comfort.

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