39. Where there's smoke...

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"We've got a new lead." Anna strode into the boardroom and into the office where Kensie sat signing documents.

"Is there weight in it?"

Anna nodded. "The Intelligence Recovery Squad had been sitting on Kahahn's last known location with hopes he would resurface. He's been still for weeks but early this morning he emerged. They're tracking him as we speak."

"Is she with him?"

"No, but hopefully he can lead us to her."

"Alright." Kensie stood. "Have Rin assemble our usual team. I'll go speak to Daniella and Andrew."

Anna stepped in front to halt her exit. "And Josh?"

"What about him?"

"He's been working with the Intel Squad. He played a role in the recovery of this information. Besides, you told him if you had a strong lead you would bring him."


"They're very impressed with him, Kensie, they say he has great potential."

"No. He's just a kid." She stepped around Anna and strode toward the door.

"So were you."

Kensie stopped but didn't turn. "Not like him."

"Why won't you give him a chance?"

Kensie placed her hands on her hips and turned. "He's my baby brother, Anna. He's different to the rest of us, his heart is so full of warmth, just like hers. If I don't have her to balance me out he's going to be the only one who can."

"We're not losing either of them." Anna took a tentative step toward her. "Let him come with us, I'll protect him in the field so you can concentrate. I won't let a single thing harm him."

Kensie drew air into her lungs and held it there. When she released her breath it shuddered through her chest. "Fine."


"Where is he going?" Tessa Blake, Fifth of the Lionheart Legion, watched the monitor in her hands as they followed Kahahn. The black image on the screen wove its way through the streets, doubling back and returning to its course. "Do you think he knows we're onto him?"

Kensie leant over the passenger seat and watched the vehicle on the screen. "He's well known for his paranoia. Still, we'll keep our distance." She turned to Clarke at her right. "Ease off a little."

As the car slowed Kensie sat back and turned to her left where Josh sat with an excited energy, his eyes roaming the streets as they passed. "You okay?"

He turned his wide eyes on her and nodded. "I just want to bring her home."

"Me too." Kensie sat back and fell silent. She tried her best to relax as the car wound its way through the streets.

"They're stopping." Blake looked over her shoulder and waited for her orders.

Without needing to, Kensie pushed on the earpiece in her ear. "Rin, they're stopping, take a different route and intercept them, we'll catch up from behind."

They continued until Anna's voice echoed throughout the system. "He's gone. The tracker is still on the car. There's a driver but Kahahn is gone. He must have changed vehicles at some point without stopping."

Kensie threw her fist into the seat below her. Blake looked to her for orders but instead received a torrent of angry curses. At last, Kensie composed herself and focused on Anna. "How long ago did he change vehicles?" At first she received no response, before the sound of Anna pounding into the driver filled her earpiece. She could hear Anna threaten him with execution between punches.

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