29. Traitor

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Sorah's duties as queen increased rapidly after the coronation. She found herself locked up in the boardroom most days, and to her disappointment, without the company of her wife.

Anna interrupted her thoughts by placing a document on the desk in front of her. "I just need you to sign here and then I won't bother you till 2 o'clock."

Sorah eyed the paper and signed, her movements slow and apathetic. "You know you shouldn't make such promises." She dropped her head to her arm on the desk.

Anna eyed her with a worried expression. "Is everything alright?"

"I'm just really tired, and there's so much work to do. I know it's been two weeks since my coronation... I guess I just wasn't expecting so much work. And we still haven't found Beth." Her eyes glistened as her unfocused gaze fell to the desk. "And I feel like I never get any time alone with my wife anymore," she whined, dropping the barrage of complaints on her mother.


"What?" Sorah asked.

Anna shook her head. "Nothing, I'm just worried about you. I'll rework your schedule so that you get a bit of a break occasionally. Maybe you should go find Kensie now since we have some time?"

Sorah pondered the suggestion, her brow furrowed in concentration. "No need," she said with a wide smile. "She's about a minute away, I can feel her... hear her... her mind is there anyway and she's on her way here."

Anna's eyes widened. "Your link is that strong already?" When Sorah bobbed her head up and down, she continued. "Is she enjoying her new role training your soldiers? It must be nice for her to be in that environment again."

Sorah hummed in thought. "Yes and no," she said. "She enjoys it but her protective nature is making it difficult. She's training them and teaching them to be better soldiers, but she has such a high standard because she's training them to protect me. Plus she would rather just be here with me, even though all the paper work bores her."

Sorah looked up as the woman of her thoughts entered the room. "After this morning I'd rather the paper work," Kensie said with a smile as she greeted her with a brief kiss. Forgetting that her mother was in the room, Sorah continued the conversation in silence.

"That bad?"

"I just don't feel like I'm getting anywhere." Kensie voiced her answer aloud and sighed.

Anna smiled at the exchange and made to leave. "I'll leave you both to it. I have lunch plans anyway so I'll be back a little before two."

Sorah grinned at her. "Lunch plans?"

"Don't make a big deal out of it, it's just lunch."

Sorah's grin widened. "Enjoy your lunch date, mother," she called as Anna left the room, the title inciting a wide smile from the usually serious blonde.


"Stop thinking," Kensie gently warned between kisses, the afternoon sun beaming down on them where they lay on the bed.

Sorah heaved a sigh. "Sorry." She looked up into dark eyes and brushed Kensie's hair away from her face. "What time do you need to be back?"

"I'll need to leave just before one."

Sorah's face fell. She wished they could hide away in their room for the rest of the afternoon. Without her permission, a single tear formed in her eye and she blinked hard as she tried to clear it. Kensie searched her mind and tried to find the cause of her sorrow. "What's wrong?" she asked, unable to identify a related thought.

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