9. I can't do this

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They ate dinner in silence. Sorah's mind churned over everything she'd learnt in the last couple of days. The book had helped; she understood what vampires and companions were, their similarities and differences.

And thanks to Kensie she knew she was—would be—their queen. That she would be strong once awoken.

The facts seemed to swirl around her mind, none of them joining into a cohesive picture.

"After dinner," she said, waiting for everyone's attention. "Do you think maybe we can talk more... maybe start at the beginning?"

A joyous smile lit up both Josh and Daniella's faces, while Maggie and John shared a knowing nod.

Kensie placed her palm on her knee in reassurance, but the touch had a greater effect. Sorah closed her eyes, trying to slow her heart rate and calm her reaction. Her efforts were in vain, as when she opened her eyes she was greeted with Kensie's cocky grin.

Maggie saved her from the scrutiny as she stood, collecting their plates as the others followed. When they were gone Sorah lolled her head to the side to glare at Kensie. "You're mean."

Tension lay between them as Kensie retuned her stare. "Only a little though," she said with an arrogant grin.

"Maybe." Sorah stood, their bodies close as she placed her own hand on Kensie's thigh, before sliding it higher.

Kensie closed her eyes, her breaths ragged and short.

"I can be pretty mean too," Sorah said, grinning before she removed her hand and left the room.

The instincts that had been a faint niggle only days before had grown, and as Sorah walked toward the loungeroom, she could feel the frustration burning from behind her. She stopped walking in time for Kensie to embraced her from behind, arms wrapped around her waist as she nuzzled into her neck. "You're right," Kensie whispered. "That was mean."

Heat pricked at Sorah's skin. She was burning from the inside out. She turned, her eyes bright and wide. This time when they kissed, it was urgent, hungry. They gripped at one another, closing the remaining distance between them. Kensie's lips left hers, trailing down her jaw to her neck where each kiss stole the air from Sorah's lungs.

The only thought in Sorah's mind was how badly she wanted Kensie's bite. The way her lips sucked at her neck was maddening, tormenting her body until she was more frustrated than ever. She whispered Kensie's name, almost swaying off balance within her grip.

Kensie's kisses slowed as she made her way back up to Sorah's lips. Her pupils were wide, her eyes glistening. She pulled back to meet Sorah's gaze. "I'm sorry," she said, her lips forming a faint smile. "I didn't mean to get so carried away."

"I..." Sorah's mouth hung open. Words failed her.

"Later," Kensie promised, planting a kiss to Sorah's forehead.

"Right." Sorah blinked, drawing in a deep breath as she distanced herself from the source of her distraction. "Later."

The connotation of what later meant coiled her insides. She was nervous, not just because of the turn their relationship had taken, but for the coming conversation that was sure to consolidate everything she so far knew about their world and her role in it.

"Let's um..." Sorah cleared her throat. "Let's get to the loungeroom."

Though the Ducall's had to have heard—sensed—it all, they didn't show it. They waited patiently for Sorah and Kensie to join them, giving them the time to settle.

"So, Princess," John began once they were seated. "Where would you like to begin?"

The title wasn't as scary as Sorah had expected yet brought a blush to her cheeks all the same. "Well... the book explains the two races, but I'm missing what links everyone. And Kensie said I was created, but the book isn't really clear on that one, like, I don't think it goes back far enough?"

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