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It was a Sunday evening; the sun was still up and unfortunately you were too. After a long exhausting week, you had hoped to finally relax and just be able to lay back for a while. But oh no; life was so cruel. Your family had the brilliant idea of spring cleaning. It seems like you had always kind off been spared up until now, because they respected your decision to use the weekends for relaxation, and relaxation only. However, the attic needed more attention than expected.

Currently you were rummaging through carton boxes to find useful and not so useful things. How you ended up being the only one up in this dusty place, you had no idea. Everyone suddenly dipped and left you in your misery. The others are definitely going to hear something from you about that! After all, you were not the one who suggested to clean the whole house on a sunday afternoon.

You grabbed a new carton and opened it up, only to be greeted by another load of random stuff you had to go through. This family makes me want to murder people...

While you were caught up in the moment you almost did not realize, that the sun was starting to set. You looked up as you could feel the warmth of the sunrays on your back and turned around to see a beautiful sunset.

You suddenly stopped when your hands felt something ice cold. Immediately, you pulled back. What in the hell was THAT??

Cautiously you eyed the carton. You decided to reach for whatever it was again; you were curious now. Your face went from anticipation to being completely blank. What you were holding in your hands was a little underwhelming now, to say the least. It was a pocket watch out of metal, of course it is going to feel cold. You wanted to smack yourself. And here I really thought I am going to find something exciting, welp whatever.

You wanted to continue with your rummaging until you could feel your chest tighten. Your eyes wandered back to the pocket watch in your hand. Something was...odd.

You tried to open the lid which hid the clock-face but it was harder than you originally thought it would be. After a while of trying and almost ripping your nails of, you finally managed to open it. Again, you were underwhelmed. You had no idea what you were expecting in the first place, but this was definitely one of the most ordinary clocks you had ever laid your eyes on. It was still pretty but you kind off expected something different, since you could still not shake this weird feeling of. The feeling, that something about this old pocket watch was special.

You desperately tried to find that out. What was different? Is there something that catches your eye? Does it have something engraved into it? You had no idea. After a while you wanted to give up. Maybe you were just imagining things. Or I am having a heart attack..., you pondered uuummm chill anyways so-

As you were putting down the watch you accidently pressed some sort of button, that you had already noticed before. Nothing happened when you were fondling it like a maniac before though but now you could hear a deep, muffled noise that boomed in your ears. You felt hot and cold at the same time and your vision was getting fuzzy. Even trying to raise your voice to call for help did not work out. On the tip of your tongue, you could taste something sweet, so sweet that it almost hurt. What is going on??, you screamed in your head.

Then there came this weird deep muffled sound again, it almost made your eardrums burst. Now, all you could see was nothing and...everything. All you could taste was nothing and...everything. Wait wut-

"Hello there little one", a voice could be heard. You could not make out which gender it had nor could you decide for a certain age for that voice. Again, it seemed to be nothing and everything to you.

"You are seeking something", it said. You pondered if that was a question or a statement, you really could not tell. Again, you wanted to say something but nothing came out of your mouth. Heck, you were not even sure if you were even able to move your mouth.

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