Shoto's Nightmare

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Shoto's POV

I was in the living room with Sun as we cuddled with the cats. Aizawa was out on patrol and Hizashi was in the kitchen making lunch with the music full blast. It was so loud that I could barely hear him singing along. Sun and I had grown used to his loud music so it didn't bother us as other loud noises did. Sun was trying to stop the cat from wapping at his long curls when I heard a knock at the door. It startled me a little but I yelled to Mr. Yamada that someone was at the door. I got no response so he probably didn't hear me. I was gonna ignore the knock when it got louder and sounded more like pounding at this point. I got a little more scared but I decided to bite my fear and answer the door.

Sun never liked when I strayed too far so when he saw me get up, he followed. We got to the door, which was still being pounded on. Sun started shaking but I held his hand to calm him. I took a deep breath but it stuttered when I got closer to the door. Just before my hand touched the doorknob, the pounding silenced entirely. It was really creepy and made my stomach twist with nervous uncertainty. "Maybe we go get Mr. Yamada." Sun whispered hesitantly. I could still hear his music blaring so I shook my head, it'll be fine, we shouldn't distract him from cooking.

I reached up to the doorknob with more hesitance than before but I managed to push through and turn it to open the door. When the door finally opened, I stood in front of Sun to protect him if anything dangerous happened. Sun can't get hurt. I can't lose Sun too. When I saw who was at the door I was a little confused and guarded. Before us, stood the small group who visited us, claiming to be my family. Lies. Only Sun (and Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Yamada) held the connection of family with me. The group looked half surprised, half pleased that I was the one answering the door. "Sho-Moon!" The large adult exclaimed pleasantly surprised. I glared at him and put my hand to keep Sun back. I did not like these people. "I'm glad your ready to go. Have you said your goodbyes to your friend?" He asked as flames flicked off his beard.

At that, I looked on, alarmed and confused, "What? I'm not going anywhere." Why would I say goodbye to Sun? We go everywhere together no matter what. He needs me and I need him. "We are her to bring you home." The one with black hair said. After that, before I even had time to process his words, my arm was grabbed and my body was pulled towards them and away from Sun. My mind finally caught up to me when I heard Sun's cries for me. I looked at him and his feet were stuck in ice! He was trying to pull his feet out to get closer to me but nothing he did worked. On my side, I started to struggle with the strong grip that still grasped my arm. I tried using my quirks but they weren't working! I had to get back to Sun! I had to. I tried calling for Mr. Yamada but he still couldn't hear me over his music so he couldn't help. Mr. Aizawa still wasn't back from patrol so he wasn't an option either.

I had to do this myself. I had to save myself and get back to Sun. But the grasp was still too strong for me to break free from and now I was being pulled farther from the door! No! I couldn't leave, not now! I fought and struggled in the grip but it was inevitably useless. I was pulled farther and farther from Sun. Farther and farther until the green neko was no longer in sight. I cried out but black began to invade my sight. I kept calling though, pleading for my 'family' to bring me back, calling out to Aizawa and Yamada to help us. It was all useless. With that, I succumbed to the darkness. I was a useless protector who couldn't even stay by Sun's side.

With a start, I opened my eyes and sat up quickly in bed. I looked around before spotting a teary-eyed and panicked Sun. I pounced on him to get closer. I'll never let anyone take me from him again. He was all I had. I let out a growl when I sensed two other presences behind me before realizing it was a worried Aizawa and Yamada. Once I finally calmed down from my own panic, I took notice of the worry from the other occupants of the room. "What happened?"


30 Minutes Before

Third POV

Izuku was half asleep when he felt shaking and harsh movements next to him. Slowly opening his eyes, he saw Shoto looking distressed and panicked in his sleep. He tried to shake him awake but when nothing changed he started calling out to him. Unfortunately, that seemed to make it worse and now Shoto was groaning and thrashing in bed. When he started calling out to Izuku, the green neko broke down, crying in his own panic, worry, and frustration.

All of the commotion caused the two heroes to wake up. When they saw the chaos on the bed, they jumped to their feet, blankets flying, to try and calm the situation. When Izuku saw his heroes up and by the side of the bed, he began to cry harder and beg them to help the other neko. The heroes didn't know what happened but they relaxed and got into their hero mindsets to tackle the predicament. Hizashi went over to Izuku and began to calm him down and get him a short distance away from the other neko so Shouta could handle him. Shouta first tried to shake the unconscious boy to wake him up but quickly deduced that it wouldn't work.

The next 10 minutes passed with Hizashi trying his best to relax Izuku while Shouta tried to wake up Shoto. The hero was at the point of calling out to him, "Moon! It's okay, your just having a nightmare! Your safe. Sun is safe. Wake up Moon!" After a little while, Shoto gasped loudly and sat up quickly. Izuku, seeing Shoto was up, srung out of Hizashi's grasp and went to Shoto's side.

(Insert Shoto's POV when he woke up)

Shouta explained that he and Hizashi woke up to Izuku calling out to Shoto as he struggled in bed. Shoto looked down a little guilty at causing such a mess, as Shouta finished explaining that Shoto was having a pretty bad nightmare. Izuku hugged Shoto tightly, still worried. "I was getting taken from Sun." Shoto said quietly. Izuku gasped and buried his head into Shoto's chest. Hizashi and Shouta looked alarmed, "Was it the scientists from the lab?" Hizashi asked carefully, just in case it aroused bad memories. But Shoto shook his head before taking a deep breath.

"Mr. Aizawa was on patrol and Mr. Yamada was making lunch. There was someone at the door but Mr. Yamada didn't hear it. So I went to see who it was and Sun followed. When I opened the door, I saw it was the Todoroki family. They said that they were there to take me home, but that meant away from Sun. I refused but they pulled me and froze Sun's feet so he couldn't follow or move. I kept getting pulled farther from Sun until I couldn't see him anymore. Then I woke up." Shoto had tears falling by the time he finished reiterating his dream.

Izuku had tears falling too and his knuckles had turned white with how tight he had been clutching onto Shoto. The heroes coaxed the nekos back under the covers to try and fall back asleep. They still seemed on edge so Aizawa reassured them, "Hizashi and I promise you both, as long as we are alive and capable, you teo will not be separated by any family, alright?" The boys nodded and relaxed further into the bed. Soon they both fell asleep with the stressful exhaustion of the night's events getting the better of them.

With the nekos asleep, Shouta and Hizashi relaxed back into their respective bean bags. Aizawa looked over to his husband only to see him looking sadly at the sleeping kids. "Zashi?" The blond looked at Shouta with tears lining his eyes, "Why can't they just get a break from all of this mess. Why can't they just be normal kids?" Shouta shook his head, "I don't know, but I think it's time to start looking into therapy for them." Hizashi nodded with a silent agreement before laying back and getting comfortable. They could begin talking about therapy for the boys tomorrow. Maybe they could even get Nezu's advice and incite since he'd gone through similar traumas.


1508 words

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