A meeting with the Todoroki family

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A/N The Image above is the neko's room in Aizawa's apartment. 

I just want to say sorry for not updating. I had meant to update a few weeks ago, but school has started to become overwhelming, and I was not in a good headspace, but I'm doing better now. Thank you all for waiting so long.


Third POV

Nezu had scheduled a meeting with the Todoroki family a few days after the nekos settled in with Aizawa. Nezu took a cab over to the Todoroki abode. When he arrived, he politely knocked on the door, which was then opened by a girl with white hair and red highlights-- Fuyumi Nezu noted. She looked around for who knocked but then when she didn't see anyone she started closing the door. Nezu cleared his through to grab her attention. The door paused before opening once more. 

Looking down and catching the attention of Nezu, she gasped, "Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there. Your principle Nezu, right?" She asked politely. Nezu nodded before she opened the door more for him to enter. Once inside, she and Nezu walked to the living room where three males sat; Enji Todoroki and the Todoroki brothers: Touya and Natsuo. "Nezu" "Enji," The two adults greeted. "I assume you have come bearing information on Shoto," Enji asked with slight pleading behind his eyes. "Indeed. Shall we sit and discuss the information." Each of the members of the incomplete family nodded and sat.

"Alright, so first of all, I have brought a few images of the children that I believe you deserve to see," Nezu said before pulling out a stack of images. Most of them were of Shoto and Izuku in the hospital bed, but there was a good amount of Shoto and Izuku in Aizawa's apartment that had been sent to him this morning. As the family looked through them, they all had tears in their eyes when looking at the youngest member of their family. "He looks so small," Fuyumi commented.

"The other boy is Izuku, right? The one Shoto was found with?" Natsu asked, looking at a picture of Izuku hiding behind Shoto while holding his hand. "Yes, he is only a few months younger than Shoto, but he had been in the lab since he was a few days old. Both his parents are gone; his father skipped town, and his mother died during childbirth." Nezu specified. The Todoroki's looked at the boy with pity and sorrow in their eyes. After a while, the family finished looking at the pictures and focused on the rodent principal. 

"Anyways, as far as why I am here, I do have good and bad news. For the good news, it appears as though the two boys are starting to improve. Physically, they can walk around for a while until they become tired. Mentally, while it is a small and slow improvement, the boys have begun to trust both Aizawa and I." The family seemed happy about the good news. They were glad there was an improvement. "With this improvement, Aizawa and I have decided to try and see how the boys do with new people." The family looked hopeful at the idea of visitation but then became disappointed once more after Nezu's following words.

"We are going to introduce them to Midnight and Present Mic later this week." Touya held an impatient and frustrated look on his face, "So you're letting other Pro heroes visit them but not their own family?!" "Touya!" Enji reprimanded. Nezu put up a paw to calm the atmosphere. "On the contrary, I have a full plan to integrate the boys back into society. I also have many reasons behind the order in which we introduce the boys." Nezu said matter of factly. 

"For one, the two boys don't know their families and won't even answer to their birthnames. When we tried to explain that they had other names, they didn't believe us, and it put a dent in our progress of trust. Two, Present Mic is Aizawa's husband, so he will be living with the boys for the time that they stay with Aizawa. And Midnight will be the most likely candidate for babysitting when Aizawa and Present Mic go back to hero work." Nezu's reasoning was pretty thought out, and Touya couldn't argue with the logic behind the setup. However, He still didn't like it. 

"As you can probably guess, the bad news was that you still can't meet Shoto. However, if the meetings go well, there is a very good chance that your own meeting time will be coming soon," Nezu confirmed with a smile. Fuyumi gasped, and her eyes held stars, tears formed in Natsuo's eyes, and Touya held a look of disbelief. "Really?!" Enji asked with hope. Nezu nodded. The Todorokis' started conversing, none of them paying attention to Nezu anymore. Nezu didn't mind since he was pleased to listen to the family's excited and hopeful words that had suffered a lot.

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