A Neko Exploration

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Third POV

While Aizawa and Nezu went out in the hall to discuss future plans, the nekos began to explore their new room. Shoto and Izuku clasped hands and walked around. They looked under the bed, they looked in the closets, and they looked at the box of toys in the corner. Shoto was watching Izuku as he pulled things out of the box curiously. Izuku would ask him what th thing he was pulling out was called, and Shoto would tell him if he remembered the item. When Izuku came across a small box with a pretty image on top, he asked what it was. "It's a puzzle, Moon. You're supposed to create the image that is on the front of the box." Izuku nodded and put the box down.

The two continued to dig through the box a little more before they grew tired and decided to take a nap. The two of them cleaned up their mess, so they didn't get in trouble and climbed onto the bed. They tossed the blankets aside to climb in, and as Izuku snuggled close to Shoto, he pulled the blanket back over the two of them. They hugged each other as they fell asleep and basked in the new feeling of warm comfort.

When the two woke up, it was darker in the room than when they fell asleep. Shoto was the first to get up, and when he tried sitting up, Izuku continued to cling to him. Only when there was a soft knock on their door did Izuku seem to spring alive. They both turned to the door in somewhat of a panic, and Shoto half pushed Izuku behind him. The door slowly opened to reveal Aizawa in a black shirt and pink sweatpants. When the nekos realized there was no immediate threat, they both relaxed slightly.

For Aizawa, he counted this as a win. He had been nervous about opening the door because it had been a couple of hours, and there had not been a peep from the boys' room. He assumed they were asleep, so he didn't want to disturb them, but it was getting late, and he had just finished cooking dinner. When he had opened the door and saw the fear-stricken faces relax, he was happy that the two could feel a sense of peace around him. "It's time for dinner, and then I'll let you two explore the rest of the apartment."

They nodded and hopped off the bed. Following behind Aizawa, they continued to look at their surroundings. Coming to the kitchen, they saw plates set up on the Kitchen island. Shoto managed to climb his way up onto the chair, but Izuku struggled a little due to his size. Aizawa saw the struggle and went to lift the boy up onto the chair. However, the action caused Shoto to pounce and go after Aizawa. The two fell to the floor, and Shoto growled out a warning, "Don't touch him!" After getting over his moment of shock, Aizawa meekly said sorry and reassured the candy cane neko that he simply wanted to help Moon up onto his chair.

At that, Shoto gave a questioning half-glare before looking at Izuku, who clung to the chair leg and watched the two of them. Shoto huffed and got off Aizawa's chest. "Sorry for attacking you, sir. I can go without dinner as my punishment." He said with his head bowed. Aizawa gave him a sad look before hugging him. Shoto tensed at the hug but relaxed since it didn't hurt. Aizawa ushered Izuku over, who quickly made his way over, and pulled him into the hug as well.

Aizawa buried their heads into each of their shoulders before calmly speaking, "I promise both of you that I will never punish you in any way that will ever hurt you. You both have had a difficult life and grew up around evil people. I need you both to understand that I will never ever hurt you. You are safe with me. You don't have to worry; I will protect you both no matter what. If you're ever scared, please come to me." The boys looked up at him, and they both had tears in their eyes; however, while Izuku wasn't holding them back, Shoto was trying not to seem weak and let them fall. Aizawa hugged the two of them again, "Let's eat dinner before it gets cold."

They had a quiet dinner of soba, which made the boys' eyes light up in excitement. After they finished, Aizawa let them explore the rooms. After looking at Aizawa's bedroom, the bathroom, and all of the closets, the boys got to the living room. When they entered, Izuku let out a little gasp and let go of Shoto's hand before rushing to something in the room. Aizawa, who had been following behind, knew exactly what had caught his attention because the subject hadn't been spotted before now. Aizawa's white cat, Snow, was asleep on the couch.

Izuku ran over to the small cat and looked at it expectingly. "Her name is Snow. You can pet her if you want." Aizawa said, walking over and sitting in a chair. Izuku slowly pressed his hand on her fur and began to pat her. "Not like that Sun," Shoto said, coming next to the younger. Shoto then started to show Izuku how to pet the cat properly. Izuku was surprised that the cat began vibrating when he pet her. He slightly jumped and, turning to Aizawa, asked, "Normal?" "Hmm? Oh, yes, that's normal. She's just purring because she's happy." Izuku gave a look of excitement at the fact that he had made the cat happy.

Aizawa couldn't hold back a smile at how cute both of the nekos looked petting the cat. They seemed to forget about all of their trouble and, for the first time, be relaxed and act like children. He wanted them to look like this more often. They were just 10 years old, but they had gone through so much all ready. He knew life wasn't fair and that some suffered more than others, but he hoped the universe would give these kids a break for a while.

Aizawa watched the nekos play with Snow for about 20 minutes until he said it was about time for bed. "Before you go to bed, I want to ask you two a question." The two in question looked up at him, waiting. "I am not actually the only one who lives here. I have a husband who is out right now. I was wondering how you two would feel meeting both him and a close family friend tomorrow." The two looked up at him with a mix of fear and hesitance. "Nice like you?" Izuku asked quietly. "Yes, they are very nice. They like to play lots of games." Aizawa reassured.

Izuku looked at Shoto for his decision. Aizawa had concluded that Izuku didn't like to make decisions without Shoto and would usually agree with whatever his decision was. Shoto looked to be thinking deeply about the question. He looked at Izuku before looking back at Aizawa, "I think we'll be fine. You'll stay with us, right?" "Of course," Aizawa nodded. And so the two Nekos were sent off to bed with the hesitant anticipation for the next day.


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