Who Are You

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Third POV

The loud blaring sound of an ambulance raced down the streets. Civilians goings about their day looked up and at the sight of the vehicle, wished for whoever was inside to be ok. But what the civilians didn't know was that their wishes were for two unconscious children who have spent years in captivity. Both children were laid in separate gurneys as they were looked over and put on IVs.

The cat child with red and white hair appeared to be less injured than the green-haired cat child, so the majority of the focus was put on the latter of the two. Both children had metal collars that no one seemed to be capable of removing, so they have left them as is for the time being. Eventually, the ambulance stopped and the two were unloaded and put into separate rooms. Thankfully it didn't appear as though either had any broken bones. The worst of the injuries were some heavy bruising and scaring along with a fractured arm from the green-haired one.

Time Skip ( A week)

Aizawa POV

I was sitting next to two UA hospital beds; one containing a green-haired child, the other a red and white hair child. I was going through the medical reports that had been done to get some information on the mysterious and unfortunate children.

Patient: Izuku Midoriya
Blood Type: O
Quirk: ???
Age: 10 years old
Birthday: July 15
Status: Went missing a month after birth; presumed dead

Patient: Shoto Todoroki
Blood Type: O
Quirk: Half-Hot-Half-Cold
Age: 10 years old
Birthday: January 11
Status: Went missing a year after gaining his quirk; presumed dead

I was surprised and very sad to find out that both boys were 10 when they looked to be around 6 or 7. I was also furious at how long both boys had been held captive, heck Izuku had been held all his life. There is no clue how either of their mental states are.

We have yet to tell Endeavor about the discovery, which I believe should be done soon. I remember that he was so distraught when we had heard that his youngest had gone missing all those years ago, heck his wife went crazy. We also have to figure out what happened to the Midoriya's but everyone thinks that they are dead.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of sheets ruffling. I looked up and noticed Shoto was starting to wake up. I pressed the call button to alert the doctor and nurses. I watched as Shoto tried to gain an understanding of his surroundings. He sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Both children had dark circles under their eyes so I was happy that they got such a long rest.

I probably should have expected something to happen. Something always happens. And usually, it isn't good.

Third POV

Just as Shoto gained awareness the nurses and doctors walked in. That was the 1st strike. Shoto started trembling at the sight of them, and Aizawa, and started to look around him in the bed; trying to find something. That was the 2nd strike. After not find what he was looking for he seemed to start to freak out more which turned into overprotective rage. He jumped out his covers and pounced on the bed like a cat ready to fight. "Where is Sun?" he growled menacingly. The nurses and doctors, scared of the little boy, shakily pointed to the bed next to his own. That was the 3rd strike.

The moment Shoto saw Izuku laying in the bed, asleep and wrapped in bandages, he jumped out of his own bed and ran to Izuku's bed. He jumped off the bed and when the nurses tried to come forward and stop him he turned and growled, taking a protective stance over top of the sleeping child. When he saw the nurses retreat he turned back to Izuku and started shaking him.

With all the shaking being done Izuku started to wake up. Seeing this Shoto stopped shaking and started calling out to him. "Sun! Sun! Wake up! You need to wake up! Sun, please!" Izuku groggily opened his eyes, only to be hugged tightly by Shoto. "M-moon!" Izuku slowly sat up, with a little help from Shoto, and faced Shoto.

"You-you're ok! I he-heard screaming before I passed out and I-I thought something happened t-to you! I-I was so sc-scared. Pl-please Moon, do-don't lea-leave me!" Izuku exclaimed while tears started to fall. "Never" Shoto stated firmly with confidence, wiping away the falling tears.

Izuku shakily nodded and finally looked around the hospital room. The moment the nurses and doctors and pro hero came into view he started to tremble even more. "Mo-moon!? Who-who are they!?" Shoto turned to look at the people watching them and got in front of the green head. He used his body to block the scared boy from the stranger's view and whispered, "I don't know but stay behind me just in case." Izuku nodded in confirmation that he would follow Shoto's instruction.

Shoto eyed the people who were giving both of them a fright and asked out loudly and cautiously, "Who are you?!"

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