Going with Aizawa

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Just a note, I will only refer to Shoto as Moon and Izuku as Sun when either it is in one of the boy's POVs or they are talking about each other.


Nezu and Aizawa, with some judgment of Recovery Girl, decided to let the two boys rest and relax for a few days before bringing them over to Aizawa's on-campus apartment. Aizawa and Hizashi had already discussed delicate matters and it was decided that Hizashi would stay with Nemuri for a little while he slowly introduced himself to the little nekos.

As for how the nekos themselves were doing, both Nezu and Aizawa carefully observed the two so that they could provide the best care for both children. Over the 3-day period, the two adults discovered that with Izuku, he acted younger than his age and could easily scare himself into a panic attack. However, Shoto acted older than his age, never leaving Izuku's side and offering comforting hugs and words to get Izuku to calm down from panics.

Izuku seemed less aware of his surroundings and heavily relied on Shoto's judgment of things. It was somewhat expected as he had been in captivity all of his life and had probably never been given a chance to make his own decisions. The interesting and somewhat confusing characteristic was that even in his easily scared and meek nature, Izuku was a lot more curious of things. Shoto was more level-headed and cautious but Izuku was always watching either Aizawa or Nezu when they sat in the hospital room to watch over them.

Eventually, by the time the boys were to be taken to Aizawa's they had developed a somewhat hesitant-trust relationship with Aizawa and Nezu. Shoto had concluded that the man and bear were not there to hurt either him or Izuku (at least not yet) and that the two were to a degree, tolerable. When Nezu had brought up the fact and idea of the two nekos living with Aizawa, the teacher and principal were nervous that they had destroyed all the progress that they had made. This is due to the scrutinizing glare and panicked look that came from Shoto and Izuku respectively. However, in the end, the boys still agreed to the new accommodations.

Shoto POV

I was sitting on the bed watching Sun sleep. He had a neutral look on his face so I could tell he was peaceful. I don't have to worry. He's fine. We're fine. Everything is fine. I still don't necessarily trust Aizawa and Nezu but I have to appreciate the fact that they have not hurt either me or Sun yet. They even gave us food! I wouldn't let Sun eat it at first because I didn't know if it was drugged but I could see how hungry he was. I tasted it to make sure it was alright and when I didn't feel the normal effects of drugs I gave some to him.

My attention was drawn from Sun's sleeping figure to the door opening and Aizaw walking in with Nezu on his shoulder. "Good morning my little neko!" Nezu spoke up. "Good morning sirs" I respond bowing my head. "You don't have to bow young one and please use our names." I nodded and turned to Aizawa when he started speaking, "It's time to go. Could you wake up Iz- um Sun?" "Yes, of course, Aizawa sir." I turned to wake up Sun and heard the two adults sigh behind me.

Once Sun was up, I climbed out of the bed with him following closely behind. I didn't mind because it helped me know he was safe and keep track of him. Aizawa turned to exit, signaling that we were to follow. So we did. I grasped Sun's hand and we followed silently down the long halls. We reached a door that was white with a simple black geometric design on it. Aizawa inserted a key and unlocked it.

Third POV

Aizawa and Nezu entered the apartment with the 10-year-olds following close behind. The apartment was not very large and the concept was very open so it was easy to do a quick tour. The last stop on the tour was the boys' room, which they were sharing. Aizawa opened the door and what the boys saw was not what they were expecting. They were expecting something similar to their old room (cell) only with hopefully fewer chains and dirt.

They were not expecting a large room over blue and white with a comfy-looking bed. The boys looked up at the adults in confusion, "Where we?" Izuku asked. "This is your guys' room." Aizawa clarified with a small smile. The answer seem to aid to more confusion as Izuku spoke up again, "But stuff?" He asked while pointing inside the room. "Huh?" Aizawa was now the confused one, "He means, why is there stuff in here if this is our room." Shoto clarified.

The last response elicited confusion within the boys but this response elicited anger and hatred in the adults. They wished they could rip the scientists apart again for being so cruel to the innocent children before them. Nezu shook the rage away in order to respond to the nekos, "I can assure you that this is your room. And the stuff in here is to give you comfort and something to play with." "Comfort/Play?" Shoto and Izuku asked respectively. Now Aizawa really was gonna beat those villains to a bloody pulp.

Nezu decided now was a good time to divert the conversation to something else. He let the boys explore their room and told them he had some things to discuss with Aizawa outside. The two left the boys in their room as they went to the living room, Nezu calling Endeavor and Aizawa calming his nerves and anger.


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