Unexpected Discovery

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Third POV

"We're moving in on 3," Eraserhead whispered into his earpiece.

The pro heroes have been planning this raid for the past few months. The raid was known for selling illegal drugs and quirk suppressants on the black market. Hero's who made up the raid group included; Eraserhead, Present Mic, Midnight, Kami Woods, and Ingenium. Eraserhead was the key for underground work and experience; Present Mic and Midnight were good long-distance fighters that could handle the possible escaping of criminals, and Kami and Ingenium were there to get in close and capture.

"....1....2....3.. GO!"

The hero's barged into the facility, catching everyone inside by surprise. The 5 pros rounded up the scientists and brought them out to the police who were right behind them waiting to take them to jail. After capturing and clearing the occupants of the room, the hero's went to explore the rest of the facility to make sure they didn't miss anything or anyone.

As they walked they came across an empty room of equipment and files. The area looked like it had been a busily entered and used room because folders were laying everywhere and equipment was placed around randomly with no organization. After entering the room Midnight stepped on one of the folders. Noticing this, she bent down and pick it up. the folder was stamped red with the word 'Failure' across the cover. Curious she opened it and saw at the top of the first sheet, "Subject 034: Status - Dead." "Hey, guys? Look at this," she said looking up and holding out the folders.

They all looked at each other worried as to the meaning of the file. It only got worse when Mic and Ingenium point out a table full of folders similar to the one in Midnight's hands; all marked as failures. "Experimentation..." Eraser said with an underlying hint of disbelief and disgust. "Guys?" Kami said at a desk on the other side of the room, "These folders are different. They're not marked red." Putting down the red files, the heroes made their way over to Kami. Looking at the folders themselves, they noted that the two folders were instead stamped green with the word 'Progress'.

Eraser picked up one while Kami held the other. They both opened them and read the front page. "Subject 054: Status - Alive, Name: Sun" "Subject 077: Status - Alive, Name: Moon" The heroes looked up at each other. "Spread out and look for more files like these. If there are any more with the status of being alive there could be civilians in this facility that need our help. While you four look through the files, I'll try to find a map of this place."

The heroes searched the room top to bottom, but no other folders were labeled 'progress' in green. Another thing that the heroes noted was that there were only a few folders with subject numbers coming after 077. What nerved them though wasn't how many subjects there were but how long ago the files seemed to be kept. The files showed that subject 054 had been acquired around 10 years ago and 077 around 5 years ago. The heroes were determined to find the poor individuals who were supposedly still alive. "Let's go," Eraserhead instructed. "We have to find these two now!"

They left the room and made their way down corridor after corridor. Eventually, they came across a long hallway of doors. As they went through openings doors, each one caused their stomachs to turn. "What the fuck is this?" Mic said in disbelief. Small skeletons were found in each room, 2 or 3 per room, and there were blood splotches on the walls and floors. The now sick to the stomach hero's finally made it to the last door. They opened it and to their surprise in the corner was a small whimpering boy.

He looked no more than 6 years old. He had split red and white hair with cat ears sticking through. When he looked up and saw the hero's he started crying as he thought they were more scientists and bad men. In a shaky voice, he asked, "Where is he? Where's Sun? What did you do to him!" The heroes were confused and didn't know who the little boy was talking about. When they didn't respond nor give the boy what he wanted, he lashed out with the last of his strength. "GIVE HIM BACK! GIVE HIM BACK! YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM FROM ME! WHERE IS SUN YOU MONSTERS!"

Shaken by the now lively boy, out of instinct the hero's got into a fighting stance. But before any of the heroes could start calming the boy, and before the boy could even reach them there was an ear-piercing scream that rang through the facility. The scream shook the hero's to the core with fright, but for the little red and white-haired boy, it caused him to freeze mid-run. "Sun...SUN!!" The boy screamed starting to run again, but this time trying to escape the room rather than go after the heroes. But after 2 steps he fell from exhaustion and passed out. The only word escaping his mouth before going unconscious was the name he shouted only moments before.

XX With Izu XX

I was floating in a dark abyss with nothing around me. It was scary but also a bit comforting cause it reminded me a little of Moon. But as I was floating in the silent darkness, I was suddenly hit with unimaginable pain. It flared all through my body and there was nothing I could do to stop it. My dragons can't come out to comfort me because I don't really know where I am so I don't know if it is safe for them. But what is worse than that is that I don't have Moon with me. I need Moon. He helps me when I'm in pain. He soothes my pain and lets me cry into his chest. I can kind of hear someone screaming, but it's a little muffled, and I really hope it's not Moon. I need Moon.

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