20• 𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗟𝗶𝗸𝗲

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Jungkook was quite shocked at your reaction, he didn't expect that but guessed you were too tired and descended downstairs after fixing his shirt properly.

He went back home after some chit chat with his hyungs.

The next day, you woke up with a stinging pain in your leg, that's when you realised it was an injury, the sleep made you forget about it.

"Shit! This leg's gonna burden for long.. argh." You cursed in a deep, somewhat hoarse morning voice.


I got ready for work with great difficulty, I didn't want to miss work just like that so let's just sneak out.

I managed to creep out of my house without anyone noticing.
How you ask?

Well I simply hung a rope from my windowsill and slipped down it to the backyard and went to the garage to take my car out. I asked my driver to zip his mouth or I'm gonna cut his salary.
Evil, right?

But I don't care, I just can't take any risks.

As I reached Laurel's everyone's attention shifted to my bandaged leg while I just gave them a 'What?' look and went to my cabin.

Now, you must be wondering how I can walk so well and even skip down my window with a heavily injured leg?
Because I had joined a training camp once for three months and that's where I learnt a lot of shit.

Soon came a panting Jungkook in my cabin with a wretched expression.
"Man what happened!?" I asked with a puzzled expression.

"You literally escaped home with that condition of your leg and ask what happened!? The audacity for real!" He breathed heavily while taking a seat.

"Oh come on, I didn't get a fracture." I casually shrugged off.

"With what you're doing, you're THAT close to getting a fracture." He spoke in a hyped tone.

"Now you can't send me back so just listen to my orders because I am the boss here." I spoke the last few words quite darkly and dominantly.

"You and your attitude, I'll never understand it." Jungkook scoffed.

Boy you don't even wanna understand me. Not even like you can.

"Not like you can understand it. And you ain't even trying." I scoffed in return.



It's not true that I ain't tryna understand you, it's just that you're too hard to decipher Y/n.

"Hey, don't turn this into an argument okay? But you shouldn't have sneaked out. Well, how exactly did you manage to sneak out under Namjoon Hyung's surveillance?" I queried.

"Simple, I hung a rope down my windowsill, descended down that rope, sneaked properly hidden from the backyard to the garage and then threatened my driver to shut his mouth." She spoke proudly like she'd done something great.

But that's fucking impressive how she's stronger than most even with an injury.

That just makes you ten times hotter Kim Y/n.

"It's not an achievement you're proud of." I scolded. I got pretty worried when I got to know she'd come to work but she looks more than fine.

"Hey what's that on your neck?" She suddenly asked.

Oh shit! It's that mark I got because of her teeth.

"It looks like a.." she paused with a confused expression and suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hey what's funny!?" I asked not the slightest bit amused.

"That's a hickey." She laughed again.

"No, but what's funny in that??" I asked whining.

"I mean you got a girlfriend, nice." She kept on laughing hysterically.

"What's funny in getting a girlfriend though?" I scoffed making eye contact with her.

" I mean you got a girlfriend." She said emphasising the you.

Well, my crush is running off just as fast as it came.

"I can get a thousand girls very easily Missy." I haughtily spoke.

"No doubt but you were single a day before and today you have a mark?" She laughed again.

No Y/n, but what the fuck is so funny about a girlfriend and a hickey!!??

"First of all, I am still single, second of all, it's not an actual hickey, third that it's an accidental mark." I stated the words clear and precise for her to hear.

"Okay, single, not hickey but how is it an accidental mark that looks exactly like a hickey?" She asked curiously finally ending up with that annoying laughter.

"Oh you don't wanna know that." I teased.

"I wanna know, now tell me." She looked me straight in the eye with an innocent look, I felt like I was getting drawn into her eyes ready to unravel a whole new universe.

"It's your mark." I spoke teasingly.

"What the fuck are you speaking!?" She suddenly bursted in a scream.

"Oh I said it's accidental, yesterday when you fell on me, your teeth stung my neck and this hickey like mark formed there." Now it was my turn to laugh.

"But how is that possible? I don't think that's what happened?" She refused to believe me.

"Want me to demonstrate how it happened?" I spoke getting closer to her while my own heart was pounding swiftly and I couldn't stop this feeling.

Every moment I went close to her, the feelings would get watered to grow and I wasn't able to stop them. I couldn't stop them even though I wasn't supposed to love her.

"And how can you demonstrate that?" She spoke in the same manner as me.

"By showing you what an actual hickey is." I said as I bent closer to her just to get her nervous.

She did seem a little nervous and just as I was about to take my steps back I heard a sound.

"Hey, what do you think you two are doing in the office?"

It was Ryan.

Both of us just took steps back in our paths and shared glances then glanced at Ryan.

Well, my joke caught us in some pit of explanations.

"Uncle, it's not what you think-" y/n broke the ice to my surprise.

She wouldn't have liked the idea of being associated with me in that way.

But I was catching some unknown satisfaction in being associated with her.

Is this the start of catching feelings?
Is this what being in love feels like?

It's just like right now, I won't say it's love.

But it's more than just like.

It's something between love and like.

Something after like.

But what's after like?

Thanks for reading 💙💜❤️

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉.𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now