15• 𝗢𝗽𝗲𝗻 𝗨𝗽

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It was...........


Shin POV

I was normally walking by the beautiful garden of this place when I saw two figures' emerging backs from the bushes. I instinctively followed them. And what made me more curious was Kim and then I saw that the guy was Robert.

Okay, I recall Robert telling me that him and Kim were once best friends and due to some misunderstanding they stopped talking.

I hope they sort matters now.

But boy was I wrong about that guy!

I overheard their conversation which went like.

"Oh honey, you don't know how much I waited for you." Robert said expecting a hug.

"And you don't know how much I crave to remove your existence from my life lest this planet." Kim said clicking her tongue staying far away from his touch.

"You're so rude baby, I like your sweet self not this one." He whined.

"Great you don't like me this way so better stop being in my way and getting on my nerves every single moment of your visibility in my eyes." She scoffed.

"You got me wrong babygirl. I didn't wait 9 years for nothing." Robert spoke again with a slightly angry expression.

"And I didn't reject 9 years for nothing." Kim spoke unbelievably.

"Well I'll get you anyhow." He spoke pulling his feet from rest and getting closer to Kim.

"We'll see that bastard." She retorted.

"Just how fast the night changes, it feels like yesterday you used to call me by sweet names and now see." He scoffed.

"Listen Y/n, I've waited long enough, and now I will make you mine. I don't care if it's by will or by force." He said stepping even closer.

"Not like you ever cared about my will. I said NO, WHICH MEANS NO! I don't wanna be with you. Simple." She said increasing her volume.

"Just because you raised your voice doesn't mean you got the upper hand. I own this game Y/n and it's not gonna take me long to get you if I do it in MY Way."
Robert spoke almost getting close to making their noses meet.

"Let's see who wins." Kim said as she distanced myself from him and walked back.

Well Robert is a complete asshole and now I understand why Kim was even asking me to stay away from him.

But why did they say like 9 years, earlier, sweet names?

And the daring of the guy to say he doesn't care about Kim's will.

I gotta talk to Kim when it's the right time.

She should learn to atleast open up to her close ones.

And what I just witnessed was harassment man.

Shin POV ends.

You were sitting on the table with Mr. Ryan, Jungkook and Shin waiting for this torture to end soon.

You might be very strong to show and all but you are just as fragile inside.
It would just take a slightly heavy blow to break you internally and it was a weakness you hid from the world under the mask of a savage, sassy, classy, gorgeous, intellectual, smart young woman.

This fake persona was just another weakness which thankfully hid itself.

And right now there was a lurking fear in your head, a fear that maybe, just maybe Robert will succeed this time.

And if he did, it would be the thing you'd hate the most.

While Jungkook didn't fail to notice this dazed state of yours and decided to make you feel better in his way.

"Hey Y/n?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah?" You replied.

"Wanna leave?" He asked again with a caring look in his eyes.

"Are you leaving?" You responded trying not to make your desperation to get out of here obvious.

"Yes, thought you're not liking this much too so we can leave together." Jungkook spoke casually.

"Oh sure." You sighed with relief.

"Let's go then." He said sliding his hand in his pocket taking out his car keys.

"Uncle, Shin, we're leaving." You said gathering both the people's attention.

"Okay honey, take care." Uncle replied with a smile as he made his way to his group of friends.

"Wait, Kim, I wanted to talk about something." Shin said as she held your hand lightly to hault your movement.

Jungkook stared quite suspiciously at her mannerism.

"What happened Shin?" You asked at once settling down.

"It's personal." Shin replied side-eyeing Jungkook, which he noticed and got ready to leave when you held your palm in the air stopping him.

"He's not a problem here, I trust him." You spoke.

"It's really personal Y/n and I don't think you'd like anyone except yourself to know about it. Even I got to know secretly." Shin said getting quite nervous.

"It's okay Y/n, I'll wait in the car." Jungkook spoke as he gracefully walked away.

"I can't believe you're trusting someone you've only known for a couple of months." Shin stated.

"There's this instinct, inner voice in everyone telling them about a person. And that voice tells me he's worth the trust." You stated firmly.

"I won't hinder your beliefs and will get straight to the point." Shin paused quite unsure if she should continue or not but did anyway.
"So,IeavesdroppedyourconversationwithRobert." Shin breathed.

"Pardon?" You said raising an eyebrow.

"I eavesdropped your conversation with Robert." She spoke closing her eyes hoping not to anger you.

"Why?" You said as your lips curved into a thin line.

"Because I saw you and Robert while I was wandering in the garden and I wished you'd sort matters out but...." Shin stole a sneaky glance at you.

"But what?" You asked well aware of what was coming.

"But Robert isn't the nice guy I thought he'd be, I didn't expect him to be like this and he- he literally doesn't care about your choice. It's so selfish, unhealthy, toxic." Shin sort of ranted.

"I know." You said looking into her eyes with a grave stare.

"Kim, you should open up and you know share things with your friends, it would help you to feel good." She said in an unsure but caring tone.

"I'll speak up when I think it is worth it." You spoke standing up from your chair getting ready to leave.

Which left Shin with no choice but to speak one last reassuring sentence to comfort you.

"Kim, please don't be all serious with your friends, we like that chirpy, happy, optimistic you. Make sure to take care of yourself." She said as she engulfed you in a tight hug.

Honestly, that made you feel better, refreshing and feel loved.

"I'll get going, see ya." You spoke waving at Shin with a small smile while she clutched her hands and slightly waved you bye.

"I'm so sorry I kept you-"

Your mouth at once hung down, jaw dropped when you saw Jungkook sitting in the car with his coat on the backseat and...........

Hope you liked it, Thanks for reading 💙💜❤️.

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