18• 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗯𝗶𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗜 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲

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A new day, a new start they say but for Jeon Jungkook, his train of thoughts was just stuck on you. Every moment of him getting ready for work just went in him contemplating, if he really, truly likes you.

And even if he does, how on earth is that possible??

Because, for him you were just an annoying ass friend around whom he'd only be with for a little while, after his mission is completed, he'll simply leave.

But now, the feelings were just restraining him from even thinking to leave you.

He thought you irritated, annoyed him, were a bit full of yourself which he realised you weren't but still falling for you was something he didn't expect even in past, present or future lives.

But can anyone stop emotions? Can anyone keep denying to themselves when they know the emotions are true? Simple answer: Never, complex answer: also never.

He just shrugged off the thoughts, maintaining his professionalism and of course attitude as he entered Laurel's.

But all the determination to control his rushing, confusing emotions was drained when he caught a glance of you.
Not a single stroke of those emotions on his face, but within his heart, it was inexplicable. His heart was thumping loud, not only because he didn't want to like you, but also due to wondering what your reaction would be.

A normal day it was, as it seemed.


I was just sitting in my cabin, thinking and just thinking. About what?

My past.

I just don't know where to begin crying over how upsetting my life had always been. All the suffering just poured and poured and I became so immune to sadness, the bad that whenever happiness shades my life, I feel afraid.

Afraid that moment would soon be over, afraid that it might just be a bait for me to strangle myself in things worse than what I already experienced.

Work had always been a relief, I liked it.
I liked being nice to people who deserved it because I never want bad things to happen to the good people.

But isn't it always the good ones who suffer prolonging sadness and then at the end for a little amount of time, they experience scary happiness.

Life is too much to live for. It asks a lot of effort to be alive, when we were just born and expected to live because that's what everyone does. I've always found this odd.

I don't live actually, I just exist. With all the money, power, I could get nothing, just fame that is frustrating.

My thoughts were interrupted with a knock on the door, nice give me work so I can distract myself, atleast to exist.

"Ms. Y/n, there's a meeting later in the evening with Koper's. Especially the CEO wants to meet you." Jungkook spoke and I unknowingly smiled looking at him. He's such a nice person, am I really a good company, a good friend for someone like him?

"CEO? Jeongguk wants to meet me so suddenly? Fine, I'll be there." I said after remembering Shin's boyfriend is also one of my friends whom I didn't meet for God knows how long. I remember the last time being when I set them up but whatever, friends are sort of a lifeline for me to live, a reason I am alive.

"His name is Jeongguk?" Jungkook asked me intrigued.

"Yes, eerily similar to yours." I smiled a bit, he looked so cute right now.

"Yeah, I would wanna meet him. Well leave it Y/n, do you know 악마 ? That person is in limelight again. I don't know much but they are a criminal for certain." Jungkook asked abruptly.

So he also knows about that devil for whom I was sent a letter by some wellwisher. Well, I do know about that person but let's see what Jungkook knows.

"Yes, I mean I just know this name but what about them?" I asked wanting to get any possible information out of him.

Little did you know, Jungkook is trying to get information out of you.

"I just got to know about them, I mean they're resurfacing the crime world due to the devil being active. I think one of the big name CEO'S." He answered.

"Big name CEO's? I have no fucking idea man." I remarked.

"It could be anyone. Maybe the person doesn't even know. But that's not possible because there's been activity from devil's gang and that surely means the devil is doing something. And mind not, but I think it's Robert." Jungkook spoke in one breath, more like rapping.

"Robert? There's a heck load of possibility for that. Because he's always been interested in crime stuffs and he even told me back in the day that he'd love to be a criminal, but one whom everyone fears." I commented thoughtfully.

In all honesty, I wouldn't even be surprised if it's that asshole who turns out to be the devil. He's always talking like a criminal, threatening as if he's one.

But one fact frightened me for a bit, if this devil's in so much limelight, he must be really powerful.

And a CEO doesn't stand strong against a well named criminal. This might force me to bring back what I don't want to. And that honestly doesn't give me good thoughts or vibes.

They ain't wrong when they say life is a cycle, the more you try to leave behind something, the quicker it chases you, circling you.

I was just thinking when Jungkook hit my head saying, "Enough thoughts, come out in real life, honey." He winked.

"I told you not to flirt with me, didn't I?" I spoke agitated.

"But you're so damn beautiful you make me sick, let's make some bad decisions." Jungkook sang.

A voice of the most ethereal angel, please that must be the sound you hear when you enter heaven.

But then I realised, I never believed in heaven-hell things and never really praised someone like that even in my head.

What the hell is wrong with me!?

Somewhere on earth lived a man named Robert Kang, your ex-bestfriend, current enemy.


I stood infront of a framed painting of Y/n, my girl. I knew she would never wear the dress I gave her, so I just got a potrait of her in that blue mermaid train dress I gifted her for Skeptal inauguration.

She looks like a divine beauty here, but this divine beauty deserves to be mine.

I just want her to know that whatever happens, however hard she tries, once the devil has decided what he wants, he fucking gets it.

I stared at the hourglass infront of me, it was empty.

"Baby, this hourglass personifies your time that doesn't have a particle of sand left. I play as I please now." I spoke followed by a chuckle.

"I WILL GET YOU AT ANY COST, EVEN IF IT TAKES EVERY BIT OF WHAT I HAVE TO HAVE YOU!!" I screamed done with all the waiting I had done for her, enough being a good boy, enough consent, now it's only what I want.


Robert had broken the hourglass in anger, his determination to get you only grew each passing minute.

But the plans of destiny grew yours and Jungkook's emotions towards each other each passing minute.

Thanks for reading 💙💜❤️

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲 || 𝐉.𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now