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"ollie? can you open the door? it's only me." it came to the hardest part of wanting to speak to ollie, the part where he had to knock and try to make her come out or even open the door.

after his slow walk down the hallway, and his moments of catching his breath, trent's fingers knocked the door one more time.

his words caught her, because trent heard the tap switch off. everything inside grew quiet, even the song ollie was singing to herself in french fell mute.

"sweetheart? can you open the door please?" his forehead fell onto the door, his hands twisting around with the doorknob as his voice remainded soft. he always liked and wanted to be gentle with ollie, and since they weren't on the best of terms, he thought how he spoke to her would help.

on the other side, ollie's eyes clenched together. in spite of not wanting her unleashed tears to fall, she dug her palms into her eyes to stop the stinging. it was very sensitive and 'soft' of her to cry so easily, but when it's the guy she found comfort in was finally speaking to her, it made her feel a certain way. it made her feel happy in a way. she loved how her nickname sounded with his accent, but he acted wrongly, digustingly wrong to her and she was going to let him know.

she passed her sleeve under her eyes as her other hand fell along the knob. trent's hand was on the outside, and her's was on the inside. her forehead rested on the door, and so was his, in the same position, just different sides.

there was alot they wanted and needed to speak about and right now, the only thing stopping them was the door.

and when he finally heard the click of the lock, his sight was graced all over again.

silence wrapped around them quickly. the first thing he noticed about her was her face, which seemed to be frail and a bit damp. was she crying all this time?

his eyes never left her face, studying every minor detail. her perfectly shaped eyebrows to her full lips, the pinkish tint at the corner of her mouth all the way to the necklace clasped around her neck.

when he reached for her hand she flinched a little, making his face twist into a look of sadness as he frowned deeply.

had it not been common for ollie to flinch from the touch of trent, it was just she didn't know how to speak or even how to feel now that he was infront of her.

"i don't even know how to begin." he whispered, her hand still in his before he gently stroked his thumb over the back of her palm. she seemed to relax; her shoulders slumped and her eye's still glossy.

ollie let out a shaky breath, stepping back so he could invite himself inside. if it was anything ollie wanted to do was talk; yet her tongue remained tied and she found herself desperate for what he was going to say. she wanted to tell him what he did was not needed and how it completely ached her, but she allowed herself to let him speak. it was his fault anyway, he should have a whole speech of how he was in the wrong.

both, now, were inside the bathroom. she stood not too far from him as he leaned his body on the counter, his gaze never leaving her. he thought of not looking at her impossible; since she was all he could think about.

"ollie, i'm sorry. for everything." he started, his head hanging in shame and voice full of certainty. "i. . . know it was absolutly stupid of me to think that you were still together with joe. it just had so much situations for me to believe it and for that, i'm really sorry. i know it's not true, the lads had me for it. and i was foolish to block you and tell you all those horrible things, and just know if i could take it back, i would. ollie you're the most important person in my life right now. hell, you've had the role for a while. it's just when you refused to tell me what you two spoke about that night i was really jealous, and well i don't think you know this but he told me that you were still in love with him. that really fucking hurt ollie. it did, because i like you so much that if you were happy with someone else then that was the case, but it all played with my mind and i realised now how illiterate i was."

lucid, trent alexander-arnold.Where stories live. Discover now