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Thank you for everyone who's been rocking with me! New and old readers alike I have new content coming that I hope you will read and share with others!

Let me know which one you are looking forward to most! One Spelivia, Jimone & Two originals coming in the first series of books!!

Let me know which one you are looking forward to most! One Spelivia, Jimone & Two originals coming in the first series of books!!

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Platonic Soulmates? : They say men and women can't be friends? Will Nicey & Mike prove them wrong?

Platonic Soulmates? : They say men and women can't be friends? Will Nicey & Mike prove them wrong?

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Tale of Two Bestfriends: All life needs is love and a good friend. Follow Danielle and Noelle on their journey to finding love and good friendship.

Heart Grow Fonder ( Angst Warning ⛔️) : In attempts to save their relationship, Spencer transfers to another football program at a different college

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Heart Grow Fonder ( Angst Warning ⛔️) : In attempts to save their relationship, Spencer transfers to another football program at a different college. With Spencer not in the way of her dreams, will that be the last hurdle to their happy ever after ?

Comment below which ones you're looking forward too! I hope all of them lol 😎😎

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