Spilled Tea

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All Flowers & Writing Credits for this chapter goes to @EvieEveWrites Love you!

"Chicago hasn't been looking the same since Spencer James hasn't been their go to," Skip Bayless spoke.

Shannon Sharpe shook his head in disgust, "Skip, I don't know what's going on but losing three games and one of those being to a team with a losing record? Coach Baker better find a miracle and fast because I don't understand why Spencer James isn't in the game. Is he injured? There's no reasoning for it, Skip!"

"Or maybe he's not the LeBron of the team like you keep saying," Skip countered, starting his daily LeBron hate even when it didn't have anything to do with the subject at hand.

"Don't start that, Skiiiip! Anyway, you can't hate on a legend, you can't do it! Spencer James is a talented player. Him not getting his touches these past three weeks makes zero sense and if the Bears end up losing a big game because of this, Coach Baker and whoever else need to pay the consequences."

Spencer shook his head and switched off the television. Shannon was right. Someone needed to pay the consequences and it was the bean-headed head coach. Billy's silly ultimatum was messing with the team. Which would eventually mess with peoples' money. The fire was beginning to get bigger with national attention on the matter. Spencer James was the new sensation. Why was his playing time randomly cut? Was he injured, in trouble?

Then there was Olivia. Who was wondering what was going on as well and Spencer simply blamed teams finally catching on to him and told her not to worry about it. Olivia was literally studying how the mind worked and here he was attempting a mind game like she couldn't Professor X his mind within minutes. Okay, he was being slightly dramatic. But, he hated lying to her.

"These sports blogs are tearing your team a new one," Olivia said as she walked into the apartment. She continued scrolling through the blog comments, not hearing Spencer talking to her.

"Baby," Spencer called out again, finally shaking his girlfriend out of her social media trance. 

"Leave those comment sections alone."

Shocked by Spencer's assumption, Olivia replied, "I promise I'm not cussing these people out. Even though they think my man is in some type of trouble and I need to set the record straight."

"People are always going to have something to say. I'm used to it an I'm sure your dad is too." Spencer mentioned with a little too much emphasis on dad. 

Billy's ultimatum wasn't fair. Anyone could see it. But in order to keep the peace for Olivia, he made the sacrifice. He just didn't know how long he could keep that news away from her.

Her natural inquisitive mind wouldn't let her stay silent on the matter.

"My dad ever say why your playing time got cut? You were doing way more than he asked so what happened," Olivia quizzed. She had been around football long enough to know the star player got the attention when it came to designing plays. At this point, Spencer was the offense.

"Teams are making game plans for me. He needed a way to switch up the offense," Spencer explained. "Coach is probably changing up the playbook as we speak. Your boy will be back out there in no time. Don't you worry."

Thankfully leaving the topic alone, Olivia nodded, "I sure hope so or I'll be reading him for filth like the fans."


Spencer's agent was a no nonsense type of guy. His clients always got what they wanted. He was a Drew Rosenhaus 2.0. Except when he needed to pull some risky strings, he did so. He has spoken to someone who used to work with Philadelphia but could get Spencer an under the table workout so that Spencer could jump on trade deadline before the open period was closed. Chicago would never trade their star receiver unless a good compensation was offered.

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