It's complicated

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It's complicated

Things just weren't sitting right for Spencer. Danni's attitude, her constant rude comments, and now taking private calls?

He hops into his Maserati and drives to the Dairy Queen about 20 mins away.

"Yo can I get a vanilla cone with sprinkles, and a turtle pecan cluster blizzard ?"

"Okay small medium or large ?"

"You know I'm feeling lucky today imma go with the Large." Aric replies.

He pays for the ice cream and moves to the pickup line when he spots Spencer.

"Yo Spencer James what's up!" He says reaching for a dap!

"What's up man, aye wait Aric Barnes right? Coach for the Bulls?"

"Live in the flesh. Well assistant coach but hey it's a step in the right direction. Congrats on the new contract boy! You ready for these Chicago fans?"

"Listen I grew up in Cali I think I can take this fanbase." Spencer shoots.

"That's what they all say."

Spencer gets in line to order one small Oreo blizzard and gets  behind Aric.

He decided just to treat himself.

"You live nearby man?" Spencer questions.

"Nah my girl does, I stay down by Easton. I love lofts man. But aye we should def chop it up more. Matter of fact, there's a mixer happening for Chicago athletes this weekend. It's an initiative to get all sports teams together in one place. You think you may be down to come ? It's an open event so you can meet some of these fans you think you can handle." Aric chuckles.

"Can I bring someone man?"

"Dang I was hoping to get to introduce you to someone but that's iight. The more the merrier right ?"

"Right! Well I think I might just catch you there."

"Bet here's my card man and I'll lock in your number dawg when you text."

"Sounds good."


Danni opens the door to receive her guest.

"Oh my gosh I'm so glad you could make it on such short notice!"

"Of course. Where would you like the gift to go?"

"Can you hang it right here on the hallway wall towards the rooms. It's a surprise for my boyfriend."

"Lucky guy, it's really hard to get an authentic Randy Moss jersey, let alone autographed."

"Oh trust me I know this took a lot of work and phone calls to pull off."

The guy hangs the framed jersey for her in the hallway as requested and she tips him $100.

"Thank you ma'am"

"My pleasure okay okay I gotta hurry before he comes back."

"Say no more I'm out of your hair."


Liv was alone in the condo yet again. For someone who's always wanted to keep wraps on her, her dad was barely around. It was still the off season so what could he possible have to do?

"Netflix for 200 Alex" she chimes to herself before laying her head back on the pillow in defeat.

She mindlessly scrolls through her Instagram posts when she gets another DM.

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